

Letting Tal get up Ryan new he did have to go. It's had been a long day for everyone and sleep would come easy tonight. Than there was always tomorrow where more time could be spent with each other.

"Oh I guess I can let you go this time than."

Ryan gives a smile as she follows Tal to the door. Just leaning on the frame for a moment she just study's him for a long time. Tal was one of a kind and Ryan was so happy to have him. He was special in more ways than he new and it was like a breath of fresh air every time she saw him.

"Good Night Tal have a safe trip home!"

Leaning in for a kiss Tal smiles than than backs away shutting the door behind her. If she didn't than she would never let Tal go tonight. Turning and leading to the living room Ryan pats Eli's arm.

"Hey, why don't you head to your bed. Your getting drool all over the chair."

Standing with Reese at the waters edge and letting the cool feeling wash over her feet Angelica felt so at peace. It was times like these they learned to live again and she definitely would remind Reese of them.

"I definitely can do that. Life's to short not to."

For a moment Angelica thinks back to her brother. His life had been cut way to short but he had always lived each day like it was going to be his last. Trying to not miss out on anything. Now Angelica would keep that close to her heart and remember that lesson.

Looking to Reese Angelica gives a small grin before moving her foot a little and splashing some water twords Reese. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips.

Giving another smile to Zach Beth gives a small wave and turns around to leave. Hitting the cool air it felt nice, and the warm feeling that passed over her even better. The smile she had planted on her lips seemed to be stuck there as the butter flys flew around in her stomach. A new friend, someone to hang out with, and was not half bad to look at either. It was a good feeling. She'd have to remember to tell Justin in the morning. He would be so proud of her.

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