

Seeing Katie move, relief swept over Jason. Not that he hadn't believed Rick that things were okay, but he was confused about what had happened, and didn't really know what was going on. At the same time though, the expected urge to go be with Katie was... well, surely it was there, right? His feelings wouldn't have been erased. That was silly. And yet... looking into her eyes, he didn't... feel.

"Hey," he responds weakly. He gives her a bit of a crooked grin. "That's a strange question." It really was. How long had Katie been able to tell what he was feeling without asking? "I feel... tired." He smirks. "Basically feel like crap, but... otherwise, I'm great."

Pausing, he manages to roll onto his side so he could see her better. "How 'bout you? I don't know what's been going on."

Justin grins, grateful for Beth's offer. "Let me see how things play out - I might give ya a call or something.... Thanks."

Finishing up breakfast and staying just long enough to help clean up the dishes, Justin eventually knew he needed to go, whether he wanted to or not. Getting his shoes back on and making sure he had his keys and wallet, he heads to the door with Beth.

Stepping outside, he turns. "Thanks again, Beth. I'll, um... talk to ya later."

Even though it hurt, Gunner laughs - or at least it was supposed to be a laugh. It sounded somewhat like a garbled cough. "Oh crap... you're right... I better...better be more careful."

JT rolls his eyes, though he was glad to see Gunner still had a sense of humor. After getting some benadryl in him, he backs off. Looking again to Amanda, JT shakes his head. "Okay, that's a little too much excitement for me. I thought we left the ER back home."

Overhearing them, Gunner raises his hand. "Wait wait... I AM an emergency." Pulling Bree down next to him, he leans his head on her shoulder. He could finally breathe again, though was still wheezing. "Give me a...a minute. Then we'll.... finish our walk."

Wyatt could tell by the sound of Aerith's voice that she'd either been asleep or was close to it. But she'd said he could come over, so he'd trust it really was alright.

Getting to the house, he sees a light or two on and fishes for his key, knowing she kept the house locked up when she was there alone, especially at night. Pulling his hair back into a ponytail so it was out of his way, he kills his jeep's engine and heads to the porch. Letting himself in, he follows the quiet sounds to the kitchen. Smelling coffee, he smiles a little to himself. Aerith was good.

Reaching the kitchen, he knocks so as not to startle her. Though he offers a crooked grin, he has no idea how weary and angry his eyes were. Shedding his jacket, he throws it over a chair and comes up to Aerith, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her head. "Thanks... I just needed some company after a bad night at work." Though he knew it was much more than that.

Chance smiles a little and nods. "I'd... like to start over." Straightening up and pulling away, he then offers his hand again, but this time more formally. "Hello. I'm Chance O'Mally."

Even though Scott had anticipated Hope coming to the door, when she does, his heart gives a little jump. He felt so good to be back here and so awkward at the same time. He gives her a small grin though and steps inside. "Trust me, whatever mess you have won't bother me a bit."

Having heard someone at the door, Domino had shown little interest, remaining in the living room since Hope seemed undisturbed at whoever it might be. But as the little dog aimed for her bed, a familiar voice is heard and she stops short. Cocking her head, she listens as if making sure she'd heard correctly. And in an instant, she's bolting across the floor.

Scott moves out of the way so Hope can shut the door, not really sure what to say or how to act. He hated feeling awkward like this, especially around someone he'd been so close to. But maybe it would take this first step for things to get better. He's just about to ask if he can help her with anything when a speeding black and white furball catches his attention. With hardly enough time to react, Domino was leaping in his direction. Thankfully, he reacts quickly enough to catch her midair, his eyes wide.

The little dog wriggles all over, licking Scott wherever she could find bare skin - neck, arms, face, hands - it didn't matter. Whimpering with glee, she squirms so much she's almost dropped right back on the floor.

Holding Domino firmly so as not to lose her, Scott's face breaks into a smile from ear to ear. "Well hello to you too." He laughs and buries his face into her fur for a moment. "Did ya miss me, huh?"

Domino gives a little bark or whine or something in between and just licks his face some more.

Scott laughs again and scratches her behind her ears. He glances to Hope and shakes his head. "Apparently she's lost none of her energy." Looking back to Domino, he lets her kiss him on his nose as he scrunches his eyes shut. "How about I put you down so I can be sociable, hmm?" As soon as he sets her down though, she's jumping up and putting her front paws on his leg, begging to be picked up again and whimpering.

Scott smirks down at her. Though he really wanted just to cuddle her forever, he knew he needed to be sociable to Hope, since, after all,that's why he was here. "I'm glad to see you too. But you need to settle down."

Domino goes back to all fours and huffs a big sigh. Then, as if gaining a new idea, she zips back to the other room, only to return a split second later with her favorite toy. It wasn't any of her newer toys. No, it was her favorite toy from way back when, that Scott would always amuse her with. She brings it right up to him and spits it out beside his shoe then looks up at him, wagging her stump of a tail - or rather, her whole hind end.

Scott chuckles and leans down to pick up the toy and toss it for her. During the few moments she's gone, he finally looks to Hope again. "If she'll settle down, I can help you with dinner if you want."

Mick sighs and sets his hat back to scratch his head. "Yeah..." He nods to Stacy. "Let's take one last look around the ranch yard and barns. If we don't find them, we'll head to the trails. We'll take a look in that direction first and if we can't see anything, we'll saddle up." Shouldering past his brother, he leads the way.

Sparky takes a step back, just getting out of the way. He didn't like Mick's attitude, but he wasn't going to make things worse by arguing further.

The search of the ranch continues without any luck. It doesn't take long to eliminate every location in the barns and surrounding area, and eventually, while others have spread out, Mick walks with Stacy towards the back paddock where the trails started. He was sure they'd find nothing, but he wanted to be positive before either saddling up or getting out the four-wheelers.

Stopping near the corner of the fence, he squints down the lane to see... one figure walking? Something looked odd. "Hey, Stacy..." He motions her over, still trying to make out what it was. As the figure neared though, it became more clear that there were two - it was simply that Dylan was carrying Ashlee on his back. "What in the world?" It was more of a question muttered under his breath, and not needing an answer as he starts forward. Seeing the two returning was immediate proof that yes, they'd been together, and not only that, but far from the ranch yard. Though part of him was definitely relieved to see them, why would they go wandering off like that without telling anyone, unless they'd done it on purpose? Or at least Dylan. Getting Ashlee alone was one thing - getting her alone and far enough away not to be seen was another, and apparently he'd succeeded.

Standing in the middle of the lane, Mick waits for the two kids to arrive, his jaw tight, his stance a tense one.

Approaching just a bit hesitantly, Dylan wasn't sure of the looks on Mick's or Stacy's faces. Sure, he and Ashlee had wandered away from the ranch yard and had been gone longer than planned, but he hadn't expected a welcoming committee. "Well... I guess someone realized we were gone," he muses aloud, keeping Ashlee hiked up on his back.

Stopping a short ways from the adults, he swallows hard. There was a very strange tension in the air, and he feared the worst. "Hi?" It sounded lame, but what else was he supposed to say? Slowly, he lets Ashlee down to the ground, making sure she was steady enough to stand on one leg, helping her in Stacy's direction.

Mick's eyes never left his son. Underneath, his blood was boiling. As soon as he saw Ashlee was safe, he takes a step forward, shortening the distance between himself and Dylan. "You better tell me right now what you have been doing," he hisses.

Dylan's eyes widen. "Doing?"

"Yes. Doing. You." Mick folds his arms. "Now."

"I... it..." Dylan looks helplessly to Ashlee, Stacy, then back to Mick. "We took a walk. What's going on? Were you worried?"

"Worried?" It's Mick's turn to raise his eyebrows. "No, why should we be?" Sarcasm coated his words. "My son and Stacy's daughter suddenly go missing without a trace, but why should we be worried?" His eyes narrow once more to resume their glare. "Now this time tell it to me straight."

"I just did!" Dylan still didn't understand. "I'm sorry you were worried. It took us longer to get back because Ash sprained her ankle." He points to her, making sure they knew she needed help and they weren't just playing around. "She needs to-"

"And that's it, huh? It's that simple?" Mick shakes his head. "Don't take me for a fool, Dylan."

"What are you talking about?!" Dylan's voice gets louder as he throws up his arms. "Angel needs to look at Ash's ankle, okay? It was just a walk to find a plant for homework."

Mick grits his teeth. "Is that the only thing Angel needs to check?"

Dylan's confusion only multiplies and he again glances to Ashlee, wondering if she had a clue where Mick was going with this. And then it hits him. Hard. Swinging his gaze back to Mick, his eyes show shock. "You think that I... that we...."

"The truth, Dylan," Mick orders sternly. "Right now. Or so help me, I don't know what I'm going to do with you."

Dylan's cheeks flush red with the thought of what his dad was accusing. Did Stacy think the same thing? It was ridiculous. "I just told you the truth!"

"And I don't believe you!" Mick's voice raises several notches. "Guys like you don't just go for happy-go-lucky walks with young girls!"

Dylan felt like he was going to throw up. But instead, his shocked expression turns to one of anger. His fists ball up at his sides and he can't dare to look at Ashlee anymore. He was too upset and too embarrassed. If his father wanted to play it this way, then fine. He could do it too. "Alright, fine! I took her out in the woods and took advantage of her! I had to take her far enough away so no one would be the wiser about my little scheme to get her alone! Her sprained ankle wasn't in the plans, but sometimes things like that happen when you get carried away out in the woods instead of the bedroom, know what I mean?" The words were spat out in hatred as Dylan's face grew hotter. "I had my way with her all afternoon and I'm proud of it! Is that what you wanted to hear?!"

"Don't mock me!" Mick aimed a finger at him. At this point, he didn't care that Stacy and Ashlee were still standing there. All he wanted was ensure something was done about an injustice caused by his son. "I don't want to hear anything but the truth! And if that really is, then you better pray I don't beat you to an inch of your life."

"You wouldn't know the truth if it bit you," Dylan retorts. "Why should I even try? You think I'm terrible enough that I'd do something like that to her? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Check out your history!" Mick barks. "You gonna tell me all that was a lie? It never really happened and you're innocent? Or are you gonna admit you had a problem and today you found a new outlet?"

Dylan was far from proud of his past. Worse, he was embarrassed by it. And even worse yet was standing here having his father expose it all in front of his friend. Whether Ashlee had already known or not, Dylan wasn't sure. But if he was her, he wouldn't want to spend anymore time with him after this - he'd be too frightened. And the thought of Mick costing him a new friend was enough to push his anger over the edge. He doesn't stop himself from bitterly cursing his father aloud.

And it's a slap to the face that comes as the consequence.

Having his head whipped to the side from the strong slap, Dylan's eyes well up from his stinging cheek. But instead of backing down, he squares his shoulders and dares another glare at Mick. "And you wonder why I don't respect you." He was so full of anger, that he feared his own fist would fly. But somehow he holds that urge at bay long enough to shoulder past Mick and stalk towards his bunkhouse.

Mick was immediately sorry for striking his son, but it had been his first reaction to Dylan's unacceptable language. Setting his hands on his hips, he takes a deep breath, trying to calm his temper before did anything even more stupid. Was this whole thing for naught? Had bringing Dylan here in the first place been a bad idea? Had having Stacy and Ashlee come been an unwise choice? More than one person was paying for today and none of it sat well with Mick.

He dares a new glance in Stacy's direction, sorry that she and her daughter had witnessed the harsh argument. He'd lost his temper... again. Yet if his son truly was guilty, then this was only the beginning. Had Dylan been sarcastic, or was there truth in what he'd said? Unfortunately, it was up to Ashlee now to say what had really happened today.

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