

Hearing her name, Stacy looks up from the smaller size boots that just happened to be close to her view of Dylan. She thought maybe she could get Ashlee a pair since she was here and her daughter would love them. Not to mention her birthday was close by.

Leaving the boots for now and walking to where Jeff and Eric were, Stacy looks between them both. Hearing the question and seeing the color on Eric's cheeks, she found a little humor in it, though she could feel her own getting warm. Cocking her head a little as if really thinking, she thinks a long moment, throwing one more glance over her shoulder at Dylan before answering.

"I'd have to say with that hat he is a seven. The black one is an eight. But in all honesty, with the way your hair shines in the sun, I'd say you're a nine with no hat."

Turning back to them, realizing what she had just said, Stacy's cheeks are even more red. Shifting a little, she coughs. "I should get back to watching Dylan." Turning quickly, Stacy returns to her post at the boots, only stealing one more glance at Eric and then looking away quickly.

Karla takes a bite of her ice cream and just thinks for a moment. She couldn't help but still wonder what Kyle would say if he knew.

"I don't think it would be too much of a shuffle, but that's just me." Giving Kip a smile, Karla takes another bite of her ice cream. Not being able to enjoy the bite, Karla brings a hand to her head and cringes for a moment before looking up at Kip, trying not to laugh.

"Brain freeze. Guess I have one after all, huh?!"

Eating her pie and listening to Lydia, Beth couldn't help but feel bad for her. It was easy for Beth to see how hurt and torn she was. There were so many questions Beth knew she couldn't answer. All she could do was sit and listen. maybe that alone was at least some kind of help.

Once Lydia finished talking, Beth reached across the table and lays her hand on Lydia's, giving a soft smile. "I'll let Justin know I've been talking to you and see if he wants to see you. I have no doubt in my mind, though, the answer will be yes."

Beth was sure that is what Justin would say. He loved his mother and missed her. So why would he say otherwise? "I am going to have lunch with Justin tomorrow. I will ask him then."

Ryan couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips as she talked to Tal. There was just something about him that seemed to draw Ryan in. "Ice cream is perfect. See you around six."

Hanging up the phone, she looks around the auto shop at all the faces that looked back at her. Quirking an eyebrow, she rolls her eyes. "If you guys stand there minding other people's business all the time, you're going to get less done than you already do."

Turning back around to her car and hiding her face, another smile slips out as she gets to work.

Getting Rocky's letter, Michaela grins. It was kind of silly to write when they lived this close, but it was fun, too. Looking over at Sassy, who was sitting on the table, she rolls her eyes. "Why must you sit on my paperwork, huh?"

Reaching out and taking her phone book from under the cat, Michaela writes down Rocky's number. Looking at the clock for a moment, she grabs her phone. She didn't know when Rocky had practice but there was only one way to find out.

Waiting and getting the voicemail, Michaela was a little relieved. She hated talking on the phone. "Tag, you're it. Give me a call back. 326-5183. It's Michaela."

Leaning against the wall as Pete leaves, Trey gives a long sigh. The woman who gave birth to him was only rooms away. Something pulled on his heart, wanting to leave the room and go to this woman, but there was anger that clouded that even more.

The silence didn't last long as the knock came to the door. "Awww... Pete. Can't you just leave me alone rig..." Trey's words are cut off as he looks up and sees Cindy. This must be his mother. The woman he'd grown to hate.

Not really knowing what to do for a moment, Trey just stands there. She sure was pretty. Even more than he had dreamed as a kid. The shock doesn't last long though as Trey pulls himself back together and the shock turns to irritation. Crossing his arms over his chest, his eyes become cold.

"You have some nerve just barging in here, lady. That's considered trespassing, seeing as this is my room." Just looking back at her, Trey shakes his head before turning and picking up his hoodie. He didn't want to be here. He didn't want to talk to Cindy and the only way that was going to happen was if he got out of there.

"You have seen me, now you can leave me alone. I don't want to see you again or even talk to you. You gave up that right when I was born."

Trey can't control the small glisten that formed in his eye. Since he had been a child, he had been able to push all feelings he had about any real family away. But now, with his birth mother standing only feet away, everything came rushing back to him. He felt like a child again and he hated it.

"I'm out of here." Not saying anything else, Trey pushes his way past Cindy and out the door, keeping his head down. He wasn't sure where he would go since Ariel was more than likely working.

Walking down the street and trying to get his brain to stop racing, Trey didn't know how long he walked. But finally stopping and looking up, he finds himself outside the Bullseye. Giving a shrug, he thinks back to one of his many conversations with Reese. He never said he couldn't go to a bar - only to stay out of trouble. Entering and going to the bar, Trey sits. "Give me something strong."

At least this would keep his mind busy for a while and not thinking about what happened today. One drink turned into another as he tried to forget the strange guilt he felt for what he had said to Cindy. So, more drinks followed until he wasn't even sure of his own name.

The night had been restless and sleep was something that just would not come. Destiny had so much on her mind, so many emotions and thoughts that her mind was just racing. Tears had started and stopped, started and stopped again many times. She'd thought the nightmare was over, or at least at bay for now, but then Chance had to show up and it just felt like her heart had been ripped open ten times over again. She hated to love him and loved to hate him. It was a wicked circle of emotions.

Getting up once again, this time for a drink of water, Destiny growled in frustration. Why it had to be this hard was the only question she had. If she could walk away from Chance, would it make this feeling so much easier to push away?

Taking a sip of the water and turning to head back to bed with the rest, Destiny's foot steps in something cold and wet. Strange - she hadn't been away from the counter to have spilled any water. Squinting in the dark, she can make out a trail of puddles on the floor and her heart starts to race as she could make them out to be footprints.

Turning around quickly and reaching for the phone, she never even had time to grab it. Cold hands grabbed her, and a sharp object was pressed against her throat cutting off her air from even screaming. This had to be a dream. She had to wake up. This couldn't happen - not now. Would she die alone? Everything came to a halt in Destiny's mind as a foul smell hit her nose and the world went dark. The sound of a starting car and gruff voices were the last things she would remember. Chance would never know she forgave him.

Morning birds chirp as the rays of sun shoot through the windows. Outside, the world was normal, peaceful, and ready to start the day. But inside Destiny's house it was dark and much danger could be sensed, just from looking around. Furniture was turned over, pictures and trinkets were out of place. But the piece that would strike a sickening feeling into anyone's stomach that would know better was the folder that laid on the kitchen table that held all the Agency information Destiny had first brought to the Elite. A clipping of Destiny's family obituary was on top... a sign for one person they knew would show.

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