


Hey, it was sweet of you to send me a letter. I'm just glad I recognized your name on the return address so it didn't wind up with my junk mail. And you can rest assured - I only freaked out a little.

I wondered why you'd dropped off the face of the earth. At first I thought maybe I needed some stronger deodorant. Then I realized that smells don't translate well across cyberspace so it must have been something else. Hope you get things worked out soon, though I totally get cutbacks. A while back, Cryptic was all the income I needed. Now... well, I guess there's a reason I'm a delivery guy.

I've been doing alright, and so has Puzzle. We've been spending a lot of quality guy time together... you know, lazing in front of the television, sharpening our claws on the couch, and sharing cans of sardines. Okay, maybe I don't have claws. The sardines? That'll be our secret.

Glad to know you're doing well, and yes, I'd be happy to take care of that chatroom for you. We'd been wondering where you were. Since I can tell them now, I'll just jump in and keep things moving.

Take care of yourself, Michaela and don't let Sassy boss you around too much. It was nice hearing from you. We should do coffee sometime.


Chance swallows hard, his feet feeling as though they were nailed to the porch floor. The pain in Destiny's eyes cut him to the quick, and he knew he didn't even deserve to be here. At least she hadn't yet slammed the door in his face. Was there any hope at all?

Her question it met with silence as he tries to form words around what he felt. "I... I couldn't keep running away." His eyes seem to grow even dimmer as he simply stares at her. "Every night I lie awake and think about how I hurt you. And every day I try to come up with ways I can fix what I broke."

Chance isn't sure if he should continue or just turn around and leave now before she told him to. "I'm a despicable creature that would do anything if only to gain back one small sliver of the sunlight you gave me before." His hand aches to reach out and touch her, but he wills it to remain at his side.

"I came because... every time I close my eyes, I see you."

Lydia was thrilled that Beth could come over, so as soon as their conversation ended, she bustled about the house, straightening the living room and making sure everything was in order. By the time Beth arrives, the coffee is ready, and so is the cozy kitchen table.

Delighted with the cherry pie, Lydia retrieves two plates and forks, complimenting Beth on the wonderful looking dessert. More compliments follow, and she's sure to ask Beth for the recipe.

Soon though, with the slices of pie half-eaten and coffee poured for the second time, Lydia grows a little more serious. A gaze out the dim kitchen window is followed by a sigh. "I'm glad you came," she admits. "I was glad to know that Justin is doing okay. I worry about him more than I should."

She fidgets with her coffee cup. "You seem to know more about his argument with Jared than I do. But... in the end, it does not matter." She forces a small smile. "At first, I was too shocked to think straight. But... I know that Justin would never strike out unless provoked."

Lydia pauses and takes another bite of pie. "He's much like his father - a big heart and a sharp mind. They always had a special bond... until his father died." She sighs again. "Jared... he has the sharp mind... but I think his heart is small. I... I am ashamed to admit that I know Jared has not told me the truth about a lot of things. But..." She shrugs in defeat. "I know Justin is well and he is on the right path... so if I must try to save one son, it must be the son that is lost."

Sadness pools in her eyes. "But I know Justin is being hurt too and that... that hurts me too." She pats her heart. "I do not know what to do."

At home today, Tal grabs his phone, smiling as soon as he saw who it was. Hearing that Ryan liked the flowers makes his smile grow. He knew it had probably been a tough day for her, and he wouldn't ask how things went - he was sure he'd find out soon enough. "I'm glad you like them. Just don't let the other guys get too jealous," he teases.

Her invitation for supper makes him glance into his kitchen that wasn't much of a kitchen anymore. "I'd love to come over. Your cooking is enough to make any man's stomach growl." He looks to his kitchen again. "I, um, just can't stay too late. Holly is due any day now and I don't wan to leave her alone for too long. But supper I can definitely do."

Kip shrugs, kicking at a pebble on the sidewalk. "Erik knows I guess. I don't know... I guess the others probably do too. I just don't play much other than my bass. The others have the other parts covered." He honestly didn't realize that Erik was the only one who knew he'd dabbled with other instruments - the rest of the band was clueless, and even Erik didn't know how good he was.

Coming to a stop in front of the ice cream shop, he changes the subject again. "Okay, take your pick. It's on me tonight."

"Okay good. Um... probably mid-morning." Sparky nods to Stacy, appreciating her willingness to work around any awkwardness in company or schedules. "Thanks. If anything changes, I'll let you know."

...Nothing much did change. Plans were kept and by the time Saturday morning rolled around, the small group was getting ready to head to town. Two pickups were ready - Sparky and Dylan in the lead, allowing Stacy to drive the second vehicle in case anything happened and she could be in control.

"Hey, are you coming or what?" Jeff hollers to Eric.

En route from the barn, Eric picks up his pace a little bit, not wanting to make anybody late. Much of his time was spent in the barn lately, usually grooming the horses. Ashlee had kept him company several more times too, and while teaching her all about grooming, he was still debating whether or not he'd be the one to teach her how to ride. She was almost starting to become like a little sidekick though, and he wondered how he could really tell her no.

"All aboard." Jeff gestures into the pickup where Stacy was already behind the wheel.

Eric pauses outside and quirks an eyebrow at his brother. "You're skinnier. You take the middle."

"I get carsick," Jeff counters. "Anything happens, it's your lap or the window - your pick."

"Well why isn't one of us riding with Sparky and Dylan?"

"Because Sparky wanted to let Dylan have his space."

"Then why aren't we taking a more comfortable vehicle?"

"Because Mick wants us to pick up some grain and we can't very well do that in the SUV." Jeff thumbs inside again. "Now come on. You're holding up the caravan."

Eric glances in at Stacy, not having planned on such close quarters. But after a moment's hesitation, he climbs in. With Jeff entering after him, the fit was a bit tight, and getting seatbelts on proved to be a bit of a task. Eric finds himself squirming and trying not to crowd Stacy, resenting the fact that his cheeks were growing hot. Failing at keeping his knee from resting against her leg, he finally turns, but all that does is shift his hip over to hers, making it all the more worse. Turning straight again, his elbow whacks her arm. "Aw...sorry..."

"Everybody cozy?" Jeff asks, a crooked grin on his face.

Eric shoots him a glare, getting a funny feeling that he was having too much fun watching. "Cozy. Very... cozy." Squirming a little more, he finally gives up. His knee was against Stacy's leg and it would just have to stay that way. Shoulder-to-shoulder, he stares out the windshield, not even able to look at her. Seeing the other truck pull away, he's glad they can finally get a move on.

Jason's condition continued to worsen. And though Rick and Misty worked around the clock, they were no closer to finding a cure. Jason had many visitors though, making the days bearable. Con and Jamie... Nate and Laura and the baby... the others from JetStream... even Kyle came by. No one talked about his condition, but he was thankful for that. He didn't want anybody telling him goodbye.

Cindy did her best to help keep him comfortable. She made sure Katie could be at the house whenever she wanted, knowing that Katie's presence was a comfort to her son. It didn't make this any easier though.

Despite her main reason for being here, there was one other thing of which she was determined. And a short trip to TJY was taken one afternoon...

..."Trey?" Pete taps lightly on the door in the lower level of TJY. Smiling his greeting, he leans on the doorway. "Saw Ariel today... said she enjoyed your company at the beach party the other night."

He pauses, the look on his face making it obvious that there was something else. "Look, Trey, um... I know you might not want to hear this, but I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place here. There's um... there's a woman upstairs who came here for other reasons but while she's here... she really wants to meet you."

He searches Trey's eyes. There was no easy way to say this. "She's your mother."

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