
Pretty Interesting

Walking with Kip, Karla enjoyed it. Even if they didn't talk much, it was ok with her. They didn't need words to speak. Much could be said through the unsaid with them.

Hearing the soft sound of music, Karla's eyes follow Kip's. Seeing the man with the guitar, a small smile spreads across her face. He had guts to be out there in the open, and good.

Feeling Kip's hand in hers, Karla stands and follows close behind him. Drawing close, the music sounded even better. As the man greets them, Karla smiles and gives a nod, her cheeks growing a little rosy. She still had yet to get over being shy to new people.

As the man gives Kip his guitar to play, she can't help but be a little surprised. She never knew Kip could play anything else, but now she was more than willing to listen.

The music playing, Kip's soft words - Karla couldn't help but sway a little. The free style was amazing. Once it stopped, Karla's smile was large as she clapped softly. Giving another nod to the man, she knew she could keep this promise. She would do all she could to not let Kip quit. Who knows - maybe tonight's encouragement did him some good.

Leaving with Kip, Karla pulls herself closer to him. The comment of ice cream sounded good to her. "That sounds great. And you sounded wonderful, by the way. I had no idea you could do that."

Closing the shop doors and locking them, Anastasia couldn't help but smile as the soft sound of music hit her ears from down the road. Quinn was really waiting for her.

Looking to her car for a second, she slips the keys in her pocket. It was too nice to drive - walking would be better. Nodding to a couple as they passed her, Anastasia kept her hands in her pockets of her leather jacket.

"Hey, Mister, you play pretty good. Care to get some coffee? That is, if you're not already waiting for someone."

Anastasia cocked her head a little, the humor dancing in her eyes, a soft smile on her lips.

Sitting in the dining room and enjoying the conversation with the others, Stacy felt content but on guard with the event of today.

Giving a sweep of the room, making sure all was well still, Stacy stops for a moment as her eyes meet Eric's. This was the second time she found him watching her. Not that she minded - he was good to look at too. Giving a little smile, she looks away but lets her peripheral vision continue to watch Eric and the room. He was pretty interesting.

Excusing herself from the table, Ashlee heads outside and takes in a deep breath. The fresh air here was amazing and she never tired of it.

Stepping off the steps she puts her hands into her pockets. Just walking across the yard and enjoying the night, her mind wandered. She noticed tonight Eric watching her mom. Did he like her? It would be cute if he did, but she knew her mom and she would come up with some reason why she couldn't. Ashlee just wanted her mom to be happy, and Eric was a nice guy. She couldn't help but think about what could be done.

Hearing her phone ring, Katie can't help but smile, seeing it was Jason. She always liked hearing from him. Now that their connection was broken, the phone was the next best thing.

"Hey, Sweety. I was just thinking about you."

Hearing Cindy had come to see Jason, she was happy but sad at the same time. She was happy she had come though.

"Thanks for letting me know. Enjoy the time with your mom. I'll be over after work to say hi."

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