
Kind of like it

Feeling Tal's hand on her face, Ryan can't help the smile that spread across her lips. It felt really nice to just feel the calm nature from Tal. Different for sure, but nice. Kind of a reminder she was a woman still and needed something calm and stable once in a while too.

"Tomorrow for sure. I like having you around. It's kind of become normal now and..." Ryan pauses for a moment before starting again. "...I kind of like it."

Leaning in and giving Tal another soft kiss, Ryan takes a step away, knowing if she didn't then she would never let him leave.

Karla could see a bit of interest flash in Kip's eyes and it made her own heart jump. Was the spark a good thing? Would this be what Kip needed?

Looking down and seeing the empty MD bottle, Karla grins and stands, following Kip. "Yeah, Kyle said to give him a call. You guys would be opening for Skyline. We all would really like you there too. Just not the same without you."

Taking Kip's hand in her own as they walked, Karla just enjoyed this time with him. Even if they didn't talk much, Karla liked knowing he was there close to her.

Getting Cindy's letter again brings a smile to Wes' lips. He knew all of this was hard on her even if she didn't say it. But seeing she was trying to keep her head up was a start.

"Yo, Captain, we need you out here."

"Alright, I'll be right there." Giving a sigh, Wes knows work calls and for now, another letter home would have to wait. He hated it at times, but he could only hope it wouldn't last too long.

Stopping behind Dylan as he and Mick continued their conversation, Stacy remained quiet. She didn't want to butt into what was going on, but she did need to talk to Mick.

Hearing what Dylan had to say, it really didn't surprise Stacy. Believe it or not, having a reaction like this was normal. Not to mention, it seemed like there was a lot of other things in the mix as well.

As Dylan turns and glares at her, Stacy remains quiet, but watches as he walks away. Turning back to Mick, she gives a smile. "It's to be expected he would act this way, really though. If I was in his position I might feel the same. But maybe we can work something out so he won't even know I am around."

Stacy puts her hands in her pockets and draws silent for a moment. There had to be a way to accommodate everyone. The situation was bad - she didn't want to make it worse. Studying Mick for a long moment, she could see the look in his eye that he longed to be close to his son.

"Don't give up on the father son time yet. It will come. God will see to that. Keep working on it slowly."

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