
Hiding place

Lost in his own little world, Eric didn't even realize someone had opened the tackroom door or was watching him. His hands work his rag in and around all the little crevices in the saddle, his mind trying to focus on this task rather than wandering to places he'd rather not think about right now.

Ashlee's voice is enough of a surprise that his head jerks up, his eyes widening slightly. Seeing who it was though, it only takes a moment for him to relax again. She thought he was up early? He was a little surprised that she was up too. "Yeah... I suppose so."

Her request makes one of his eyebrows arc and he cocks his head. Why would she want to watch him oil a saddle? To most, it would be a pretty boring task to do, let alone to just watch. He did come in here to be alone... His eyes meet hers and he just studies her for a couple moments, not minding if the silence would seem awkward or not. At least it wasn't somebody like Mick or Rosetta, to whom Eric didn't want to talk about anything. Maybe Ashlee would help be a distraction, and she did seem sweet. Most kids her age would just barge in without asking.

Finally, he shrugs. "I guess if you want to, you can." He scoots over on the bench so she could have a closeup view of what he was doing, figuring she didn't know a whole lot about horses or horse equipment.

Dipping his rag in a little more oil at his opposite side, he starts to rub the saddle again in little circular motions. Though keeping his sights on his work, the corner of his eye kept track of Ashlee. The thought returned to him that there was something about her he couldn't help but feel. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was a rather peaceful feeling.

"Leather needs to stay nice and supple." He hadn't planned on talking to Ashlee, but it just... came out. Maybe it was his experience with visitors who needed some special attention... or maybe he needed to converse more than he thought he did. "Otherwise it could break and a rider could end up getting hurt, not to mention saddle parts ain't cheap."

His hands keep working. "See all these little cracks? It just soaks up all that oil and gets nice and soft and the cracks start to fade." Flipping the fender up over the seat, he sets his rag aside and just lets his fingers work in the oil. Some might think it smelly and dirty... but he liked the scent of the oil and leather, and it felt good between his fingers.

Falling silent again, Eric relaxed even a little more, not minding the girl's presence. A few minutes pass by before he gets up from the bench slowly and limps over to the wall of saddles. He doesn't explain as he finds a western saddle, smaller than the one he was working on. Pulling out a stand, he brings both to Ashlee and sets them down in front of her without saying anything. Coming back around to his own seat, he eases back down, then puts the little bowl of oil between them and holds out a rag to her. "If you're gonna go riding, this one's gonna need a little TLC."

"Mmm, Chinese, huh?" Tal ambles with Ryan out to his car, jingling his keys. "Okay. But only if it's takeout." Grinning, he lets her go around to the passenger seat and then slides in behind the wheel, not explaining what he'd meant.

Once they've picked up their food, he aims the car across town, still not telling Ryan where they were going, but instead, engaging in small talk about the day and how work was going. It doesn't take long to get outside of town, and not too long to get off onto a side road that wound up a ways into a peaceful wooded area. Finding a place off the road to park, Tal tosses Ryan a new grin before getting out of the car and coming around to open her door. Helping carry the food, he remains cryptic about the whole thing until they'd walked a short ways into a little clearing. No one could see from the road that there was a small cliff here, just tall enough to look out across the city. With the sun peaking out through some clouds, the far-off buildings sparkle.

Tal finds a nice soft spot to sit under a tree and makes sure Ryan has a good spot too. Figuring out whose food was whose, he offers a prayer before leaning back against the tree and smiling at Ryan. "I hope you don't mind. I just thought something different might be nice... and if your boss gets mad you're gone longer, I'll take the heat."

Justin looks up at Beth, wondering if a strange look in her eye was really there, or if it was his imagination. But her suggestion diverts that question. "Movie. Right. And dogs." Moaning as he pries himself from the couch, he stretches again and stifles another yawn.

"Thanks, Beth." He slings an arm around her shoulder and gives her a playful squeeze. "You're a gem." He leaves her off at the kitchen and continues to the door, forcing himself to be more alert. "Okay, girls!" he calls loudly. "Play time!" He pushes open the screen door. "Tell me which movie Beth likes so I can pick that one."

Wandering outside in his bare feet, he gives Danitza and Zora some attention before feeding them and leaving them loose for a while yet. By the short time he gets back in the house, he can already smell supper cooking and his stomach starts to growl, reminding him that he hadn't eaten all day. He lets Beth be and goes back into the living room to crouch beside the rack of DVDs.

"How about a comedy?" he calls over his shoulder. "Or I got a couple sappy romances if you really want to torture me." He grins as he runs his fingers along the DVD spines. "How about a horror flick?" He pauses. "Or maybe not. I don't make a very good hiding place - Ma always said I was too bony."

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