

Having Tal tuck the strand of hair behind her ear Ryan leans her head into his hand a little bit. Tal's hands really were pretty soft and they felt nice, to her the roughness was normal she it really didn't feel rough. Looking up into his eyes Ryan smiles at him.

"Well I think you for trying to help me. It feels much better now. You have magical hands."

Leaning up and pressing her lips to Tal's for a quick kiss Ryan pulls away her eyes sparkling. Looking up into his eyes Ryan just studied them. There was a look deep in them that maybe said there was still a lot about Tal she didn't but but searching his eyes without fear of what she might run into was nice.

Listing to Rick talk with Jason Katie sat next to him her hand clasped with his. As Jason finishes what Rick was going to tell him Katie couldn't help but be surprised that he was rather calm about it all. In a way it kind of freaked her out and it was a good way to be able to tell something wasn't right. Giving a strange look to Rick Katie is quiet till she left though her eyes said a lot.

"It's gonna be ok J."

Once Rick was gone Katie looked to Jason and just study him for a long moment. She could see the slight worry in his eyes and it caused her to worry even more. She hated seeing him like this almost defeated.

"I don't mind being your nurse. I rather like the pashent."

Slidding off the bed Ryan stands and holds her arm out to Jason with a smile. She just wanted to be there for him. To let him know she was there. Maybe once they got home she could talk a little more.

"Not sure about you but I think I'm ready to get out of here already."

Hearing that her brother was back Rosetta perks up a little bit. Looking to Mick at the mention of him being alone she wondered. Did Eric leave Dana some where else so nothing would be started? Rosetta couldn't help but he a little concerned. Hearing that he wasnt coming inside set up a red flag as well. Was he really that upset with them still?

"I'll be back."

Getting up from the table and heading outside Rosetta made her way to Eric's bunk. She didn't know if it was smart or not to come see her brother when he apparently didn't want to see them. But she at least wanted him to know she new he was there and cared enough to come and say hi.

Knocking on the door Rosetta waits. She didn't want to just barge in. She did still respect her brother privacy even if there last encounter had been anything but pleasant.

"Eric...I just wanted to say welcome home."

Coming across the lawn and stumbling across Dylan's bunk Ashlee gives a smile as she stops at the bottom of the steps. Just watching him eat for a moment she cocks her head before giving a little cough to let him know she was there.

"Hey Dylan. Havn't see you in a few days."

Ashlee gave Dylan a smile. She hadn't gone to eat yet she had been to busy exploring. Every turn she took seemed to take her to a new place and she was really enjoying it.

"Hows everything going?"

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