
How come

Seeing Dylan move his legs so there was room on the top step for her now Ashlee gives a smile. Going up the steps and sitting down at the top Ashlee puts her legs on the next step down she pulls her knees into her wrapping her arms around them.

"Oh, I'm doing alright. Just trying to get use to everything. I like the country but its an adjustment after being use to a noisy city the quiet it hard to get use to."

Ashlee can't help but give a little laugh to herself letting a small sound out. It sounded funny saying that and she new it. She only hoped that Dylan didn't find it to silly himself.

"I wasn't to hungry tonight so I figured I would do a little exploring first. Didn't go to far, but it just so amazing here. Everywhere you turn there is a new place to see, or figure out where it goes. Maybe in a few days I'll explore the woods. How come your not eating with everyone else?"

Once eating and making there way into the living room to just relax. Sitting on the couch and having Tal take her feet and start rubbing them Ryan can't help but give a little mermer. It felt good, and she'd never had someone rub her feet before.

"Mmm...Tal that feel good, I think your the first one to even rub my feet. Just be careful I get ticklish and I don't want to kick you in the face."

Just smiling and leaning her head back on the couch tilting it to the side the movie on tv was forgotten as Ryan just watched Tal. It felt strange to be pampered like this. She was always the rough one that not one though maybe she liked the little girly things too but Tal had...and that made him special.

"Your really good to me and you hardly know me...not that I mind but I guess I'm just wondering...why?"

She'd never known someone who had been so nice to her before when they didn't even really know her. Ryan didn't mind it she just couldn't help if there was a hidden catch somewhere she couldn't see. She'd been wrong about Alec, maybe now she was seconded guessing herself and just wanted to make sure.

Getting back to the house Katie tried to give Jason his space not wanting to smother him but keeping an eye on him anyways. She couldn't feel him now so it was the only way she could tell if he was pushing himself or not. Seeing he was starting to get tired Katie was going to say something to him but saw him head into the living room to sit so she didn't call much attachen to it and kept cooking some dinner for them.

Finishing up the food Katie brings the grilled cheese and soup out into the living room setting it down on the table. Looking to Jason Katie gives a small smile. She new he hated this. She only wished there was something more she could do. But just being there for him was all she could think of.

"I made us some dinner, and maybe we can put in a movie if you want? I think the rest of the night you should try and relax. I can finish up some of the stuff around the house for ya. Thats why I am the nurse/maid after all."

Hearing Eric let her know it was ok to come in Rosetta opens the door and steps in before shutting it behind her. She felt a little awkward but not enough to turn and just walk away. She really had missed her brother this time around maybe because she didn't know if he would be coming back or not.

"Hey. I saw you pull in and I thought I would come and say Hi. I guess....I just didn't want you to think I was mad at you still and I missed you."

Glancing around the room for a moment before letting her brother's eyes link with her once more she could see almost a dull cold look in them. Much different from the look that had been there the last time she had seen him when he was filled with life. Was everything really ok?

"How...are you?"

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