
Best right now

Pacing a little bit Ryan rapidly thinks as her brother talks. Her mind coming up with things to say to keep the joke going along a little more. She thought it was funny and she only hopped Tal was close by to enjoy the look on her brother's face for her.

"Well...last night we got to kissing. How I don't remember but it happened and it was nice. It got my mind of everything and just something about him that felt calming and nice. I thought everything was ok and we were good."

Ryan pauses for a moment taking in a deep breath and just letting the first little bit of the conversation sink in before starting up again.

"Anyways I guess I was wrong because he came in today ranting about how he was sorry, and he didn't mean to make me mad, and it was his fault so on and so forth. Completely embarrassed me and wouldn't let me get a word in edge wise. I don't know who put that idea into his head but they should be waked good for ruining something that could of been nice and to have him believe it. Ha...I'd rather not have to reassure someone ever day things are ok. So...Tal isn't welcome to our place anymore."

Using her matter of fact tone Ryan nods her head even though Eli can't see her but the smile on her own face was so big now. This whole thing was completely funny.

Feeling the rush of Jason's emotions Katie goes her best to keep it together. Thought the pain she tried to be strong though at some points she couldn't help but gasp herself and grab onto the table just to anchor herself for the moment. Doing what she could to continue taking in Jason's emotions as fast as she could.

Hearing Rick call to her Misty was to her feet in seconds and at the counter mixing a few different thing together that they had used before. Prepping another needle Misty works quickly knowing right now time was not on there side.

Keeping her had tight in Jason's Katie does as Rick says and positions herself better to try and keep Jason still along with his head up. It was hard with her own self growing weaker from the emotions being pumped in and out, and the mentile exhaustion that came along with it. But she did her best knowing she had to stay strong for Jason.

It ok J...I'm here. I'm not going to leave you.

Quickly giving the one needle to Rick for Jason Misty goes around the other side of the table and takes Katie's arm as well prepping it for the injection. She felt bad having to do it but she new it was best and that Katie did understand but still she felt bad.

"I'm sorry Kate but its for the best right now."

Giving a stretch Stacy looks up at the clock. Though adrenalin was still running high about being in a new place she new tomorrow would come early for her so she could set up a few things she needed too along with taking her first patrol around. Looking around the table at the other that were still awake Stacy gives a smile.

"Well, thank you for the nice welcome and the nice night but I think bed is calling. Tomorrow is going to be an early one, but than again for you guys I am sure thats normal right?"

Letting a small chuck out she new soon she would get use to the early life too even if right now it seemed so much different. Adjustments would be made and everything would be find in a few weeks or so. Looking to Ashlee she gives a little nod.

"How about you Ash? Ready to call it a night?"

Taking her attachen away from Dylan who was still sitting over by himself she looks to her mother and gives a smile. She'd always been a night owl no matter what the next day was to hold going to be early was just something she hardly did.

"I think I am going to stay awake a little while longer if thats ok. I'm still way to excited and full of energy to even think about sleep."

Giving her daughter a nod and a hug Stacy says her good nights to everyone else before taking her coffee up to the kitchen and than slipping out of the dinning hall. Taking in the night air she slowly makes her way to her bunk.

Once her mom was gone Ashlee just sat at the table for a long while taking in everything around her. Listing, watching the way everyone moved just getting a feel for this whole new setting. She liked watching people and observing them to see how they moved and guessing about them just from the smallest of things.

Finally letting her sight fall on Dylan again she just studys him. He was hard to read that was for sure. A cold outside shell, but his eyes seemed so much like they wanted to break free and just live. Maybe his life was rough and thats why he tryed to be hard on the outside but Ashlee hardly new him to come to that desition. Maybe it was time to change that.

Standing from the table Ashlee wonders to where Dylan was. Giving him a soft smile she didn't want to bother him to much if he really did want to be alone so she didn't sit down not yet. She'd wait...feel him out a little bit first.

"History huh? One of my favorite subjects in school. How are you liking it?"

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