
Real idoit

Looking up at her brother and searching his face Ryan new Eli didn't agree with her desition but she was happy that he let it up to her and didn't try to make a big stink about it. Giving a slow nod Ryan thinks for a moment. It was nice of Eli to offer a ride, or someone to sit with her but it would probably be better if she went alone.

"Thank for the offer Eli but I think if it best if I go alone."

Giving her brothers shoulder a pat, and standing Ryan heads into her bedroom to grab some new clothing. Than heading to the bathroom she takes nice long shower. Just letting the warm water run over her and skin and more tears seeming to mix with the water. Getting her tears out now would be good, than she wouldn't have to worry when she left.

About an hour later Ryan was making her way through the hospital. With little direction Ryan finds the room and stands outside it for a long moment looking at both the guards. Stating who she was and showing some ID Ryan finally slowly enters the room.

Looking around at all the masheans that were hooked up to Alec Ryan draws closer and just looks down at him. He looked at peace while he was sleeping yet at the same time seeing he was fighting for his life he looked rather small. Ryan couldn't help but wonder though if he was dreaming or not. Giving a little shake of her head and closing her eyes Ryan just trys to contoll her emotions for a moment her voice coming out a little shaky.

"You a real idiot you know that?"

Spotting a chair on the far side of the room Ryan goes over and grabs it moving it close to the bed. Sitting down and pulling a few magazines from her bag Ryan just starts to read them. She had nothing else to say right, so she might as well do something that keeps her from thinking, and crying more. Thats the last thing she wanted anyone to see.

Just listing to Carson talk Misty keeps her hand with his. She new this had to be hard for him. He might not have liked his brother but he had still been family and there might even be some emotions that rushed back to Carson about his own attempt to take his life.

Standing as Carson does Misty follows him over to the sink placing a hand on his back and giving it a little rub Misty offered all the comfort she could.

"I know you guys weren't close but he's still family and thats probably they hardest thing. Everything is gonna work out though Carson, its in God's hands."

Giving another smile and slinging Carson's arm over her shoulder and leaning into him a little. She was tired and the idea of bed sounded nice.She'd just wanted to stay up with Carson at least for a little whole so she could be there for him.

"I think bed sounds good. Maybe the best idea I heard all day."

Sitting with Jason on the couch Katie shifts a little to look up at him. She couldn't help but worrier it was part of caring for someone. She just didn't want any more damage to come to Jason.

"I guess we can go off it, but if you can't handle it I don't want you to try and hide it I want you to let me know so we can go back on."

Searching Jason's eyes Katie new if she had his word he would hold to it. Hearing Jason talk about how many Rick was wrong Katie could only hope. Though the reality of it was Rick was hardly wrong and before being on the antidote she could feel something was different.

"Lets hope Rick it wrong. I don't know what I would do without you J."

That thought alone made Katie cringe inside, and made her feel like she wanted to cry. Since she and Jason had gotten together he's been everything to her. Thinking of him being gone before he should was terrifying.

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