
Medium rare

Eli hadn't heard anyone at the door, so suddenly hearing it shut, followed by Ryan's voice, he jumps. Tal looks up quickly too, also not having had a clue Ryan was there.

Eli's eyes go wide at his sister's comment, and he stands up quickly, not about to get picked on for not having helped her. "You're welcome! I... did it on purpose, so you'd feel good about doing it all on your own."

Tal grins, but decides to stay out of that one. Seeing Ryan and being greeted, he gives her a little nod and wave. "Hi."

Hearing Ryan's next comment, Eli's eyes go even wider. "Hey now! There's no call to get mean! My poor wee stomach needs sustenance."

Tal snickers but takes another swig of beer, rather than help his friend. Unfortunately, as he does, he decides to take a step forward to offer Ryan a hand at the same moment Eli decides to take a quick route over the back of the couch. The collision is minimal, but Tal's jostled shoulder is all it takes to send the beer bottle clanking into his teeth. As it does, he opens his mouth in reaction to the pain, but all it does is serve to send his mouthful of beer all down the front of his shirt.

"Aw man!" He looks down at himself in dismay.

Eli stops short and tries to hide his laugh, but it doesn't work very well. "Um... sorry?"

Tal's eyes narrow, though the humor was obvious in his gaze. Unfortunately, there was a bit of something else showing in his eye too - embarrassment, that brought just a faint shade of crimson to his cheeks. It wouldn't have been so bad if it had just been Eli as a witness. His eyes glance over to Ryan and he manages a crooked smile. "Thanks for the invite, but I was... just on my way out." He tugs at his wet shirt. "If your brother wanted me to leave earlier though, he should have just said so."

Eli laughs. "On the contrary, I already said you should stay for supper. And you said yes, right?"

"I said maybe, and I can't stay now."

"Why not?"

"I smell like a beer keg!"

"So I'll get you another bottle and once you've had that, you won't even notice anymore."

Tal rolls his eyes. "That's really smart. Besides, you know one is my limit anyway." He shakes his head. "I should probably get going." He looks to Ryan with apology. "But first, allow me to help, since I was so rudely interrupted." Taking one of the bags from her, he heads to the kitchen to put it on the table.

"Oh, come on." Eli sidles past him, heading for the hallway and talking over his shoulder as he goes. "Don't let a little spill spoil the evening..." He reappears about twenty seconds later, tossing Tal a clean t-shirt. "There. Now quit your whining. How do you like your steak?"

Tal catches the shirt and smirks a little. Setting his bottle down, he hesitates, but then pulls his wet shirt up and over his head. "Medium rare." His eyes drift back to Ryan before he dons Eli's shirt. "But only if I'm not imposing."

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