

Dylan's smile to Stacy is a weak one, his eyes still showing he was leery - unsure about all of this. Something about her didn't seem too bad though. She didn't seem arrogant or too stern. Despite Dylan sensing she was alright though, he wouldn't let his guard down... not yet.

Ashlee's extended hand surprises him and he looks down at her for a moment, almost confused. She wasn't the "little girl" he'd expected, and she seemed to be quite comfortable, for just having been here a few minutes. She was even kind of cute, now that he really looked at her.

Taking his glove off, he accepts her hand, giving it a strong shake. His face still bore little expression, but a glance to his dad makes him extend his hand to Stacy too, to be polite.

An awkward pause follows and Dylan puts his glove back on, clearing his throat. He gestures to the wheelbarrow, looking to Mick. "I, um... need to get this out... still cleaning..."

"That's fine." Mick nods. "You can get back to work."

Dylan picks up the wheelbarrow again, glancing back over his shoulder at Ashlee once before heading out of the barn.

Watching his son leave, Mick holds back the sigh that wanted to come. Would he ever see Dylan open up? He was beginning to wonder. He smiles again though, turning back to Stacy and Ashlee. "Well, that's the short tour. We can get some of your stuff unloaded now if you like and you two can settle in before supper in a few hours." He glances at Stacy directly. "Though I'd like to sit down with you privately sometime to discuss a few things." He'd rather get the necessary things over with and out of the way as soon as possible.

Things move quickly and smoothly - most people were having a good day, putting them in a good mood and open to welcoming Stacy and Ashlee to the ranch. Several men help unload their car into one of the guest houses that would now be Stacy and Ashlee's home.

It was later in the day that Mick was able to introduce Stacy to Rosetta, then meet in the main office...

"Well first off, I want to thank you for coming." Mick sat in one of the office chairs, letting Stacy sit in another. He kept the atmosphere casual, wanting to start off on the right foot. "Reese sent me your file and it looks like you're a good fit for the job." He nods with approval.

Taking a deep breath, he rethinks a few things. "I... wanted to speak to you about Dylan before any questions or concerns arose." Mick purses his lips in thought, having gone over and over in his mind what he should say. "As you know, the Agency got him in some trouble a while back, and we know that they know he's here. Haven't had any trouble, per say, but there's always that chance, so that's how this whole thing got started. I... think it's only fair that you know the kind of trouble he was in... he got into drugs, stealing, and was involved with plenty of girls as well." He knew he needn't explain that one - Stacy was smart enough to figure it out. "He went through some rehab at a nearby facility to get him off the drugs and he's been clean since then."

Another sigh, and Mick leans his elbows on his knees. It was only when he spoke of Dylan that one could see a weariness in his eye... one that said he cared but it was a daily struggle to keep trying with his son.

"Dylan's pretty bitter still. He's come a long way since I brought him here, but he's still very withdrawn and he doesn't socialize with the family much. He tolerates being here because he knows it's the safest place for him to be, and he's scared of being manipulated again. But... if he actually likes it here, he keeps that fact to himself."

A light chuckle comes out, but it really isn't because he found the circumstances funny... they were just ironic and it was all he could do not to constantly worry or become upset about Dylan's attitude.

"I guess I wanted you to know about him for two reasons. One, because you need to know about everyone here. And two..." He pauses again, wanting to say this the right way. "...because of your daughter. She seems very bright and from what I've heard, she's a good kid. I'm sure you trust her. Unfortunately... I... can't say the same yet about Dylan. I want to trust him, and I know that even though he hides it well, he is trying to make good choices and do the right thing. But..."

He shrugs lamely. "I guess if I were Ashlee's parent, I might be careful about how much time she spends with Dylan. He's had a lot of life experiences he shouldn't have and... while I don't want to think he'd take advantage of having a young girl around, I'm disappointed and even a little embarrassed to admit that I'd be careful with that situation."

Mick really was embarrassed. Even though it wasn't his fault about Dylan, he was still his father, and he was still responsible for him. He knew Dylan was trying, but the progress was so slow and Dylan talked so little that it was hard to see it sometimes, and it made Mick worry that somewhere the old Dylan was just waiting to come out again.

"I don't think Ashlee or anybody needs to be scared of Dylan," he reiterates. "But I just wanted you to be aware so that you could make the best decisions."

Dylan growls and erases what he'd just penciled into his workbook. It was too nice of a day to be cooped up inside, so he'd chosen a spot out behind the barn to sit and try to get some schoolwork done. He was running behind today, and if he didn't catch up, it would be back to being watched by Rosetta and he hated that. He'd rather be able to do his work on his own and just turn in the assignments.

Sighing, he leans his head back against the barn and stretches his legs out in the grass. Glancing down, he flicks a cricket off his jeans. Pretty soon it would be a too chilly to do his work out there. Then he'd really be cooped up. For a moment, he wonders what it would be like to be living back in a town again where there were things to do and places to go instead of seeing the same old things over and over again.

Looking back down at his workbook, he taps his pencil on the page absentmindedly. He was having a hard time concentrating today anyway. What with Stacy and Ashlee having arrived, things just felt... different. Someone new was here and they weren't just a guest that would stay a while, get help then leave. They were here to stay and live. Dylan tried to keep himself out of trouble, but it just felt like he'd have to watch his step even more carefully now, with another pair of hawk eyes around here. On the other hand, maybe Mick would lay off a bit since Stacy was there.

Then there was Ashlee. It felt a little strange to have a girl around - one younger than him, but not a little kid. Would she keep to herself? Would she spend more time in doors or out? Would she be helping her mom or staying inside and doing school? Would she stick close to her mom or venture out and be independent? Dylan wondered. He studied everyone here though, so those questions probably wouldn't exist for too long.

He sighs and tries to concentrate on his math problems again.

Jason lets the silence linger for several long moments as he battled the way he felt both physically and emotionally. On one hand, Rick had told him not to hold anything back from Katie. On the other hand, if he didn't, she'd be suffering now as well and he didn't want that. But if he didn't open up, all it was doing was serving to make him feel worse. So what was the point in trying? They'd suffer no matter what, so maybe they'd be better off just living on the antidote the rest of their lives and forgetting about these stupid abilities.

The emotions connected with that final thought slip through, and he knows Katie knew now what he was thinking. He sighs. He didn't really mean it, but he was angry with it all.

If you want to talk to Rick, go ahead.

He stands up from his desk and grabs his jacket. Pausing at his door, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, allowing for just a moment or two, his emotions and physical discomforts to escape. He was upset. He was worried. He was angry. He was frustrated. His head hurt, his knee hurt, and he felt like he was going to throw up.

Shutting it off again, he resumes his route into the hall, limping towards the main floor.

There. Now you know how I feel if Rick asks. I'm going home.

Ryan's comment sends Tal's eyebrows shooting up again, and only then does he realize how wrong his comment had sounded, even though he hadn't meant it that way. Instead of getting embarrassed over it though, he just grins and shakes his head.

Getting a shove in return, he straightens up, figuring their little banter was over. Ryan's next statement, though, makes him laugh outright, his eyes twinkling. "Well thank you." He looks down at himself then raises his arms to flex his biceps with a fake macho expression on his face. "I like to think I've succeeded in creating an irresistible physique."

"Oh, come on." Eli had just tried to enter the kitchen again, and now rolls his eyes. "Are you sure I invited you to stay?"

Tal laughs again and deflates his muscle pose. "Sorry. I'll behave."

"You?" Eli slides his empty beer bottle on the counter and sets about getting the steaks out. "I don't think you're the one that started all this misbehavior."

Tal grins from ear to ear and steals another glance at Ryan before he winks at her. "Oh, you're right. What was I trying to do, stealing all the credit?" He gives Eli's shoulder a pat. "It all belongs to you."

Eli throws him a smirk. "I'm not even going to dignify that with an argument."

"Good." Tal rubs his hands together. "Do I get to help cook the steak?"

"The last time you cooked something, it came out as little black crispies." Eli points to the living room. "Go... be a guest and park yourself somewhere."

Tal bites his lower lip, trying not to laugh again, and he looks to Ryan one more time before exiting the kitchen with sheepishness. Going to the living room and flopping down on the couch, he looks at the television for a moment. "No wonder you're in a bad mood," he hollers back at Eli. "Your team is losing."

"Don't remind me!" Eli smiles to himself as he starts preparing the steaks. He does glance over to his sister though, one eyebrow quirked with unvoiced question. She was being awfully flirty tonight. Maybe she was just in a silly mood. He had to admit it was good to see her playing around again though - the last couple weeks had been hard, seeing her so down. Maybe having Tal here tonight was a better idea than he'd thought.

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