
*cough cough*

Feeling Tal's hands slide up her back and the other finding the side of her face Ryan gives a little shiver but it was not from cold, or fear but from the strange but good new feeling she felt. Her own mind lost its sense in what she was doing or even remembering this was Eli's friend she was kissing someone she hardly new. But that just didn't seem to matter.

Accepting the passion Ryan's returns it with her own liking the softness of it. It was nice, and it felt good. Just continuing the exchange Ryan wondered if Tal could feel the fast beat of her heart, and the butterfly's that seemed to form in her stomach. The game on tv lost, and whatever else that was going on around them just not seeming to matter.

Stopping for a moment Ryan pulls away only to tilt her head the other way once again her eyes falling just as she just soaked up the moment, the feelings, and letting herself be free. Tal's lips so soft, so passionate, so full of emotion hers just seeming to match perfectly with his.

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