

Seeing Katie, there's a small amount of relief that greets Cindy, though she was far from being over her worry. "Oh, Katie..."

She didn't very much like leaving Jason in Katie's hands, but she knew it was best... that was just about the extent of her knowledge, but it was all she had to go on. So as Katie slips down and takes her place, she moves out of the way, ignoring the rug burn she'd received on her hands from trying to hold Jason still.

Being told what to do, she nods, tears still streaming down her face as she trembles. Getting to her feet, she goes to the kitchen to fill a glass of water, then goes to Jason's room to try and find the pills.

Jason doesn't respond at first to Katie's presence. Completely void of control or even knowing where he was, he throws up again in the midst of a violent fit. His emotions were off the charts. Everything hurt, the pain sending him in and out of consciousness. He didn't even know that he was thrashing about while anybody tried to keep him calm. His mind was one big blur of confusion - so much so that he wasn't even sure it was real.

It doesn't take Cindy long to return to the living room and slide down on the floor again, this time with the glass of water and sugar pills. Getting either into Jason though, proved an impossible task. After several attempts and him spitting it all back up again, it seemed the effort was pointless.

Completely soaked with sweat, Jason's breathing was rapid and shallow, his pulse racing. Then gradually, there was a little ray of hope - so small and so faint that he could barely see it, but it was there. It was there as the only lifeline he had. And somewhere in this dark, swirling vortex was a strange pocket of peace, far away from reality.

His fingers tighten around Katie's hand - a survival instinct, but he felt her warm comfort and heard her soothing voice. He could feel the emotions racing towards her in a torrent - an unstoppable river. And somehow, somewhere the words find their way through.

I don't know what's happening to me, Katie. But no matter what happens, stay strong.
While his body shakes and his eyes roll back in his head, caught in another onslaught of physical trauma, he forces his communication to remain open.

I can't... can't hang on. I love you, Katie.
His grip on her hand tightens.
You're my light.

And without warning, everything comes to a screeching halt. Blacking out, his body grows still, his fingers releasing Katie's hand. His emotional onslaught is reduced to a normal level. The only emotions left are provided in a slow, quiet stream as peaceful as if he was sleeping soundly.

His sudden halt in thrashing, sends Cindy's heart racing even faster. "Jason?" She tries to wake him with no response. "Jason... please..." Fresh tears surface and she looks to Katie then shakily checks his pulse. Though it was weak, she's relieved it's there. "Oh, Jason." She sniffs and puts her hands over her mouth, feeling utterly helpless. "Don't go, please," she whispers. Surely Angel would be there soon and would be able to help, right? He would wake up... right?

Suddenly hearing crying down the hall, Cindy is torn. But she knew she could do nothing more here - Katie was all Jason needed right now. Kaylee, on the other hand, needed attention as well. So getting up once more, Cindy leaves the living room to see to her daughter, praying as she went.

Susanne really wishes her face couldn't get any redder and her eyes roam to the floor as she bites her lower lip. She wasn't sure why she felt like laughing - maybe because this whole thing now seemed absolutely absurd... again.

Moving to pick up her purse and jacket, she then eyes Chuck's arm. Looking up at him, then back down, she reaches out a bit hesitantly but then links her arm with his. It was warm. Strong. And as they walked across the main floor, she felt herself drawing just a little bit closer to him.

Getting outside, the evening air felt nice. Susanne wouldn't need a jacket but for the motorcycle ride. Nearing the bike, she felt a little tingle of fear. Or was it excitement? She grins a little and slips on her jacket before taking the spare helmet. Glancing up at Chuck, she shakes her head. "You're a mystery, Chuck... I'll give you that."

"Yeah, I guess." Alec wasn't really convinced that Carson would ever like him, but he tries to shrug it off. It really didn't matter anyway, right? Who cared? So Carson didn't like him. So what?

Shoving the whole topic aside, Alec grins at Ryan before flopping onto his back and pulling her down too so she was on top of him. Kissing her warmly, he tucks some of her hair behind her ear. "You've turned my world upside down, Ryan McKade. And I'll have you know that you're the only woman who's ever done that."

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