

Katie can't help the look of surprise on her face again hearing about how short of a time Dana and Eric had been together. She'd never though of him as one to just jump right into something this just felt out of character. Throwing a look to her father Katie just shakes her head as she turns and heads back into the living room where they could all sit comfortably.

As the conversation continues and than comes around in a circle to Ryder Katie can't help but own laugh that flashed in her eyes. Having her dad laugh Katie could feel her own growing and does what she can to keep it under wrap. There was something odd about Dana, she seemed like a blond, but it was almost like an imitation of a blond.

Leaning against Ryder Thirteen was comfortable just being close to him. She been mostly quiet the whole evening with the new person in the mist. Every once and a while though leaning in closer to him to say something.

As the conversation is turned to them once Eric was gone Thirteen looks to Dana her eyes roman the woman's face as she talked. Something about the way she talked and the words she said sent a chill down her spine and she didn't like it. Was she was insinuating her and Ryder had a secret about? Continuing to just listen Thirteen can feel her face start to get red as she understood what Dana was saying. Her own eyes grew a little bigger not knowing what to say or do.

Hearing Dana's words Katie's head snaps back to look at her. Who was this woman to be invited into there apartment and start accusing people of things? Sure she'd be family soon but that gave her no right to say the things she was. Thirteen and Ryder had a wonderful relationship and it never crossed anyone mind about how pure it was.

Wanting to say something herself Katie is silent as Ryder continues. But the more Dana says the more it upsets Katie that someone could even think something like that let a long say it. Thirteen did have a hard time with things but she was learning quickly and she was far from a child. She'd been found, but now was forming her own life, and living it as if she had always been like this.

Still sitting in the ground Thirteen could continue to feel her cheeks getting redder and redder. She didn't understand why Dana was saying this stuff. It was personal, and for someone to call her out like that, and than on top of it call her a child it put a knot in her stomach that didn't feel good at all. Thirteen could feel the tears start to well in her eyes as she just letting her head hang almost in defeat to what was being said. She felt lower than low and feeling she hadn't felt since being taken away from the Agency.

Looking over to Thirteen for a moment and seeing the look in her eyes Katie's anger grows even more. How could this woman say something so thoughtlessly. Standing Katie can't sit by any longer. The thought comes to her about making Dana feel what Thirteen might be feeling now, scared, hurt, and in that split second for the sake of protecting her cousin Katie couldn't help but stir the emotions around her and pull on Dana's own uneasiness.

"How dare you come into our house and start accusing people of such things on top of insulting my cousin. You don't know her or us for jack and what you think might being happening you are way of base. Thirteen is a smart WOMAN who can think for herself and I even dare to say might be a little smarter than some other people I know. So you better just treed lightly on what you accuse my family of."

Katie lets her own voice sound a little rough but it was a warning to Dana not to mess with this family. How could Eric love this woman? She was nothing like Katie would expect him to be with or even tolerate.

Heading outside with Alec Ryan could feel her stomach growl. She hadn't been that hungry all day but now just thinking about food she could tell skipping lunch was a bad idea.

"I think Chinese is perfect, and the park even better. How did I get so lucky to get someone so smart."

Leaning in and giving a kiss Ryan grins before giving Alec a tap on the bottom and turning to make her way to her car. She couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips.

As Carson comes into the living and lays down in her lap Misty smiles grows bigger. The little tired glint in her eye seemed to be chased away for now. Bring her hand to his hair Misty ran her fingers through it slowly.

"I'll always wait for you, even if it took days."

Leaning down and giving Carson another kiss on the lips and letting it linger for a moment Misty finally pulls away searching his eyes. She gathered enough from there short conversation to know what was going on, but it was only the surface. No matter what though she did feel bad for him.

"Long day huh babe?"

Dialing a not to familiar phone number Karla just waits till she hears Gram's voice on the other line. Giving a small smile Karla tried to find her words. She wasn't sure what she wanted to say.

"Hey Gram. I was just wondering how Kip was today? Last few days I've been there her just...hasnt seemed like he wanted me to be and I feel so helpless. But I still care so I wanted to see how he was."

In a way Karla felt bad not coming to see Kip but at the same time she felt like she was being a bother to him too and she didn't want to be. Everything seemed so confusing and she felt so helpless.

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