
Help Choosing

Leaning back on his arms after everything was cleared from the blanket Chuck lets out a content sigh. It felt nice, and warm just knowing Susanne was there was comforting and Chuck was happy this night had happened.

"So tomorrow I was wondering if you didn't have plans for lunch we could grab some ice cream and take a walk on the pier. It's nice in the afternoon with the soft sound of a band playing in the afternoon."

Still leaning on his arms and looking over to Susanne the peeking moon shines its light down on Chuck as the wind softly blows his hair. His eyes seeming to twinkle as he looked at Susanne someone that seemed to light up his heart so.

"You really are pretty Susanne, and thats not a lie."

Sitting next to Jason Katie's hand never left his. Feeling his warmth, it was the closest she could get to him right now and it would have to do. Looking up at Cindy as she strokes her hair Katie's eyes followed her over to the window. She wanted to say something but what was there say?

Leaning into Jason a little bit Katie leans her head on his hand. A soft pray come from her lips. It was the best thing she could do. She didn't want to lose Jason, she couldn't. She needed him.

Coming down the steps Stacy was dressed and ready for another long say at work. This morning before she left she would be able to talk to Ashlee. Last night when she got home it had been late and she had been in bed already. Stacy didn't want to wake her if she didn't have to.

Smelling the coffee as she hit the bottom of the steps a smile spreads across her face. Ashlee was always so sleep if she was up before hand and it always amazing Stacy. Entering the kitchen Stacey's face grew even more as she saw the table set and breakfast waiting Ashlee sitting patiently along with it. Walking over to her daughter and place a kiss on her head Stacy sits down.

"Good Morning sweetheart."

"Morning Mom."

Saying a quick prayer with her daughter Stacy strikes up a little small talk with Ashlee finding out how he day was and everything else. Finally though the conversation changes a little and she bring forth what Brown had come to her with yesterday.

"So, I got a new job offer today. But I don't know if I am going to take it or not."

Ashlee looks up from her eggs and cocks her head a little bit. Her eyes searched her moments for a long moment.

"And...? Why wouldn't you take it? You've been wanting to move up for, forever now. The only reason you would say no would be because...we'd have to move wouldn't we?"

Stacy shakes her head a little at her daughters keen memorie and understanding. She could often tell something before Stacy even had to say something. It was funny in a way.

"We would have to move yes. There is a boy in Texas who needs to be protected from some very bad people."

Ashlee squints her eyes a little as she looks at her mom for a long moment and than back down at her eggs. Having her mom the body guard of someone...thats seemed so strange and dangerous on top of it. But than again her mom was out fighting crime all day and thats was dangerous too.

"So you would be the bodyguard of the boy?"

"Well its more like I would be the bodyguard of the ranch really."

Ashlee's head shoots up and she looks across the table at her moment. Almost a look of shock in her eyes.

"Did you say ranch? Like with horses and stuff?"

Stacy can't help but smile at her daughters enthusiasm. She new if she mentioned anything to do with horses Ashlee would be all ears. She love any kind of animal with so much passion.

"Yes a ranch is Texas. It's quite a trip away though."

"Yeah but its a ranch and there would be kids there, and you wouldn't have to worry so much about me. And it could help with my school to mom. "

Stacy can't help but smile again. It was funny listing to her daughter try and reason. Stacy didn't think she would be so excited but it would seem other wise.

"Do you wouldn't mind going?"

"Are you kidding me? It will be something new, and fun. I'll be able to explore and even learn new things. I think it would be fun. And a great opportunity for you too."

"I think your right sweety thank you."

...."I've decide I will take that position in Texas. So when ever Reese wants to give me the interview, and than I'm off just let me know so I can get everything together."

Stacy was a little excited about this whole thing after seeing how Ashlee had gotten excited too. It was a change, maybe a changed they needed. She often worried about Ashlee not interacting with others very much. This could be a chance to change that and hopefully get Ashlee to interact with others more.

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