
A favor

"I'm always safe." Carson grins at Misty. Both knew that every time Carson went out on a case, he was far from safe. But he was as careful as he could be, and that's the most anyone could do. "I'll come back in one piece... I promise. And if Ryan tries anything, I'll lock her in the trunk and you can have her when we get back."

Eyes twinkling, he leans over to give Misty a long, slow kiss. Drawing back, he sighs. "I gotta go," he whispers. "Pray for me... and Alec."

Standing up, he heads to the bedroom for a few last-minute items and too quickly, he's gone once more. After stopping for gas and a few things to eat and drink, Carson makes it to Ryan's apartment right when he said he would. Leaving the car running, he waits until she comes out. And without any words exchanged, they hit the road.

...Eli enters the dark apartment, finding it a little odd Ryan wasn't still up. It was late, for sure, but she was usually a night owl anyway. But maybe she still wasn't feeling so good after the whole Alec thing. It had been a couple days, but Eli knew she was still pretty down about it.

Tossing his bike keys aside, he flips on the living room lights before throwing his jacket over the back of a chair. Feeling a bit thirsty, he wanders to the kitchen and aims for the fridge, but stops when he sees a piece of paper on the counter. Picking it up, he immediately recognizes Ryan's handwriting so he starts to read. When he's finished with the note though, it goes slamming back down onto the counter, followed up by an angry curse hurled into oblivion.

Digging for his cell phone, he immediately dial's Ryan and waits. Once he hears her answer, he waists no time. "Are you crazy?! Alec's running with one of the most dangerous groups on the planet and you wanna just walk right in there, take his hand and lead him out?! Carson's wrong, Ryan. He's wrong about Alec and he's wrong to take you with him. Do yourself a favor and turn around now before it's too late."

Hearing Chuck talking to the birds in the other room, Susanne smiles to herself. If he didn't mind the birds, that would be a plus.

Rummaging quickly through her closet, she finds the light sweater she wants then digs to find her comfy but nice jeans. A quick trip to the bathroom and she runs a brush through her hair before pulling it back at the nape of her neck, then freshens her makeup... but just a little... she'd figured out that Chuck liked her just as well without being dolled up.

I wasn't ten minutes later that she was ready to go and comes back to the living room. Grinning a little, she wanders over to him by the bird cages. "Now you've met the rest of my family," she muses. "They're a pretty chipper bunch once you get to know them." She laughs. "And it's a sure sign that I spend way too much time with them if I start treating them like family members. Are you really sure you want to know me more?"

Wyatt looks down to the corner of the kitchen where the little dog was curled up on her soft bed. Her toys had gone untouched for days and she hadn't been eating well either. A trip to the vet had concluded that physically, there was nothing wrong with her. Wyatt worried he knew what was wrong, but unfortunately, there wasn't much anyone could do.

Picking up the phone, he leans back on his counter and waits for Hope to answer her phone. "Hey, Hope... it's Wyatt. Sorry to bother you. Listen um... I heard you'd be back to work soon - we all miss you around the office." It was true - everyone was excited for her return.

"I didn't want to bug you with anything else to think about, but I got a little friend here that might be able to use your company again." He goes and squats down next to Domino, reaching out to scratch her behind her ears. She looks up at him and sighs but doesn't lift her head.

"Katie and I took turns taking care of Domino while you were in the hospital. I've got her again at the moment but... she just isn't happy. I'm guessing it's Scott she wants but, you're the closest thing to him so I guess I just wondered if you were feeling up to taking care of her again."

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