

At any other time, it would have felt awkward, but Justin was too far out of it to care if Beth came in the bathroom to help him up. He numbly follows her lead, getting cleaned up and leaning on her to walk back out to the living room. His knees were weak and just about buckled before they could reach the couch, but thankfully he made it.

Easing down to lie on his side with his head propped up at one end, the blankets feel oh so good as he shivers. Beth's question takes a few moments to register, but then he nods. After throwing up his breakfast, he really didn't feel like eating anything else, but some hot tea might do some good.

Before she can leave though, his hand reaches out and takes hers to stop her. Looking up, his eyes are a bit glazed and his mind struggles to work through the fog so he can say what he wants to. "You're the best kind of friend someone can have," he states softly. "You have a beautiful heart."

Kip doesn't respond right away, just mulling over Karla's suggestion. He stares at the ceiling, knowing how many curves were in the paint design, but he counts them anyway. "I'm not hungry," he lies.

Out in the kitchen, Gram dishes out breakfast onto a third plate as she sets the table. "We've got eggs and bacon and..." She turns to grab another plate. "Toast."

"Did you know I was coming?" Erik grins as he sits across from Gramps, having just arrived ten minutes prior. Being invited to stay for breakfast, he'd given in, knowing that it would make Gram feel good... and her food was always delicious.

Gram chuckles. "Gramps always complains that I make too much food, so I'd say you showed up at just the right time."

"And we'll still have leftovers," Gramps adds under his breath, though his eyes twinkled.

"I heard that." Gram comes to join them, starting to butter the toast. "And it's just as well, in case Kip and Karla want anything when they get up."

"Have you seen Kip yet this morning?" Erik questions.

Gram shakes her head. "Haven't heard a peep since last night."

"That's probably a good thing." At least that meant there had been no nightmares or physical difficulties. Erik gestures to a brown paper sack he'd put at the other end of the kitchen table. "When he gets up, can you make sure he gets that?"

"Of course. Anything I need to take to him if he doesn't come out?"

Erik thinks a moment then shrugs. "Maybe. It's got his prescription for the pain and swelling - he might want those. There's also a couple cookies Twila made and a bottle of Mountain Dew from Russ and Theo."

Gram smiles. "I'm sure he'll like those. You all really are like family, aren't you?"

"We sure are."

Hearing muffled voices, Kip sighs. Now he really didn't want to get up. But he didn't want to make Karla sit around here and do nothing today, whether she was willing or not. "You don't have to stay with me," he mentions. "I'll be fine."

"Still have a job? You kidding?" Reese rolls his eyes. "We're all so messed up in the head, we'll be lining up just to get in to see you - and that doesn't include the ones we bring in from the outside." He grins. "Of course you still have a job."

Relaxing for just a few minutes, he leans back in the chair. "Everyone is hanging in there." It was hard to remember what Hope would know and what she wouldn't. He didn't want to tell her Scott had disowned several people, so he tries to avoid that topic. "Let's see..." Thinking of all that had been happening lately, he fills her in on this and that, who was doing what, and a bit of office humor. "We, um... also found out Jason has a brother - our resident refugee from Mexico. Long story and we still don't know all the facts - I'm still in shock - but the DNA is right. Trey doesn't know yet but Jason does. He... didn't take it well. As a matter of fact, I might have him see you once he settles down again."

Cocking his head a little, he reaches out to pat Hope's hand. "But you just concentrate on getting your strength back first. That's the most important thing."

Hearing Scarlet's voice, Eli and Tal's heads shoot up from their car. "Scarlet!" Tal grins from ear to ear. "Thought you'd never ask! Just give me two minutes to clean up."

Eli's eyes narrow and he gives Tal a hearty slap upside the head. "You trying to move in on my girl?"

Tal throws up his hands and backs up a step. "Hey, ask her - she's the one that suggested a date."

"Sure." Eli smirks and wipes his hands on a rag before heading for the half-open door. Smiling, he comes into the front area, ignoring Sandy and the one customer that was waiting. Giving Scarlet a once-over, his smile widens. "You look as fabulous as always." Sidling up to her, he slips an arm around her waist and leans down to plant a kiss on her lips. "I would love to do lunch and... whatever follows."

Sandy clears her throat from behind the counter. "Mr. Suave, would you kindly take your date outdoors while we have customers present?"

Eli doesn't break his gaze from Scarlet. "She thinks I'm suave," he teases, running a hand over the black bandanna on his head and batting his eye lashes.

Sandy rolls her eyes. "Go. I'll clock you out."

Eli laughs. "Alright, you win." Stepping back, he holds out his hand to Scarlet. "Shall we?"

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