
Small Gifts

Sitting at the other side of the small table Herb was sitting and eating his lunch. The day was a slow one and he wasn't really needed here but even he needed to get out of the house once in a while to stay sain. At least here if he over did it there would be people to yell at him, and he new they would.

Hearing the young girls voice Herb looks up from the table a warm smile coming to his lips as she comes to the table. She looked like Carson he would give her that. There was no question she was his child.

"Its very nice to meet you Mackenzie."

Sitting back and mind his own business Herb says nothing more but his ears can't help but stay alert to what was going on. Even as Mackenzie throws her temper tantrum he doesn't flinch. Only looking up once he gives a nod to Carson to show he was doing an ok job giving him the encouragement he needed. He could see the look in Carson's eyes and new he was hurting and confused. Though he shouldn't be this was just part of the motions that sometimes in this situation you had to go through.

Standing and excusing himself Herb leaves the room not saying anything more than he would be back. An with in a few moments he was. A knitted scarf that had different color greens knitted through it. A long with another small black object. Sitting down at the table again Herb looks to the young girl again before sliding the items across the table to her. Maybe a distraction would ease her anger a little, and help Carson to calm down.

"My wife use to knit when it was slow here on days she worked. That scarf just happened to be one that was lingering from that time. It's starting to get cold out there maybe you could put it to some use."

Herb's smile grows as his eyes twinkle with the joy of being able to help someone else. Though on the outside he could seem rough inside he was a big softy.

"And this here...it belonged to my daughter. Its a stress ball. When you get upset you squeeze it and its meant to release it. How...I have no idea but it has to be safer than throwing a glass right?"

"Don't worry I'll hold the party off for now!"

Carol gives a laugh and a wave as the two head for the door.

Shaking her head and giving him a returning squeeze it doesn't take long before Nikki and Pete were in his convertible. As he leans over to give her a more meaningful kiss Nikki returns it with the same kind of enthusiasm.

Bringing her hand to the side of his face Nikki lets her hand rest there cradling his head and letting the kiss continue till finally it is broken. Letting her hand linger for a moment as her eyes sparkle she gives a small laugh before leaning back on her side again.

"Hello Hello...how about we go to the old country buffet?"

Sticking her car keys in her pocket Ryan knocks on Alec's door and waits. Not getting any answer she knows again only to get nothing once more. Fishing for her keys again she unlocks the door and enters. Alec should be home they had made plans to meet up here.

Wondering inside and seeing the tv on in the other room Ryan walks slowly in that direction. It was odd Alec would be home but not answer his door. Getting into the living room she understands why. Seeing him asleep on the bed she can't help but smile as she walks over and eases down on the corner. Giving his arm a little shake she can't help but tease him a little.

"Am I that boring that your falling asleep on me now?"

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