
No longer here...

Lost in her own dreams Beth wakes with a start as Justin starts to twist and turn in bed. Doing her best to try and keep her arms around him so try and show she was still there is was hard. As Justin bolts up on the couch Beth can't help but jumps a little moving to sit on the edge of the couch herself. She'd never delt with this or helping anymore before and it scared her a little. What if she did something wrong? What if she didn't do enough?

Watching just and not moving for a moment it was almost like she was frozen. Though her own mind took hold and reminded her of the time when her own nights were filled with dreams and shouts as she woke. Justin's words had sounded so close to her own she could only wonder what was going on inside of him.

Not wasting another moment longer Beth figured something was better than nothing and friendship was the key to almost anything. Just to know someone really was there for you could be a help. Sliding next to Justin a little closer Beth slips her hand around his shoulder and pulls him a little closer to her.

"Ok, I'll see you in a bit than."

Getting off the phone with Kyle Alice gathers a few things together and lets Twila know she is leaving before heading out into the chilly night. It would be a nice drive and not take to long to get to Gram and Gramps.

...Pulling into the driveway twenty minutes later Alice shuts the care off and puts the keys into her pockets. It had been a few days since she had seen Gram and Gramps that even if Kyle wasn't here yet it was ok.

"Mr. Reese, this is Amanda Fuller. Sorry to call you at home but its about Hope Garrison."

Amanda stood in the nurses station papers. Tears filled her eyes and it was hard for her to even talk. Even if you didn't know the person well when something like this happened tears could just not be helped.

"Hope is no longer with us in the critical unit..."

Pausing for a moment Amandra didn't let the silence linger to long knowing her choose of words was not the best but the truth.

"We moved her down to the recovery unit. She woke up about five hours ago and the only sign she was ever sick is how weak she is. Some test were run and there is no sign of any cancer in her body anymore."

Holding the papers up in front of her once more Amanda looks over them for the tenth time just to make sure she herself was reading it right. Something like this didn't happen in the medical field every day.

"I can't explain it, and by all medical terms this is not possible. But knowing who has our backs I have to say God had his hand in this whole thing. Hope will still have to stay with us for a while so we can keep and eye on her and she can continue to recover but the storm is over. She can have visitors tomorrow if anyone wants to come and see her."

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