
Like a Son

Stopping what she was doing and looking at Ryder as he breaks out in laughter all she can do is look at him. Letting her words sink in and than his as well till finally she own smile slips across her face as a small laugh forms in her throat, but than not being able to help but bursts forward into more of and out right laugh as she held her side.

Picking up a dish towel and throwing it at him Thirteen leans against the counter as tears roll down her cheeks. Gasping for air as she laugh she thought for sure everyone else was going to winder what on earth was going on.

Finally though breathing slow and catching her breath Thirteen whips the tears from her eyes. Shaking her head and looking back at Ryder she cocks her head a little bit at him.

"Can you prepare the cheese. There thats a little better wording. Oh man my sides hurt."

Finishing up the dishes she had started Nikki couldn't help the smile that spread across her face at the sound of Pete's voice. She was happy he'd just walked in, maybe he was growing more comfortable in doing so.

"Hey Pete, we are in the kitchen."

Hearing Pete's voice Carol sat a little straighter herself a smile spreading across her own face as he appeared in the door way. It was nice to have Pete come around, to have a man in the house again it was just nice.

"Boy are you a sigh for sore eyes. Come here and give me a hug."

Holding her arms out to Pete she new he wouldn't be fended by her forwardness it was just how she was and always had been. Letting her smile grow as Pete came closer Carol wrapped her arms around him and give him a slight squeeze. Letting go and pulling away her eyes twinkle as she looks to Nikki and than back to Pete again.

"Alright I better let you give that daughter of mine a hug now before she gets jealous."

Nikki can't help but let her smile grow even more as she gives a shake of her head. Her mom had so much spunk in her dispirit everything else. Nikki could only hope when she became that age she would have the same.

As Pete walked over to her Nikki's eyes sparkled bright with life. She loved being near him and just feeling him close. When they had known each other before she'd always had a crush on him but never though anything would come of it. Now though knowing he was hers really did make her heart flutter than her dream had come true.

"She's right you know. You are a sigh for sore eyes. Rough day?"

Keeping an eye from where he was cooking what was going on in the dinning room did not go past his eye. From the girl coming in that he new was Carson's daughter, to watching her interact with Alec, than Carson coming in. His watchful eyes took in all in and formed thoughts in his mind wondering what would happens next but not saying anything keeping his thoughts to himself.

As Carson comes into the kitchen he's silent just listing to Carson but not wanting to butt into where his nose didn't belong. But as Carson brings a question his way Herb straightens a little and whips his hands on his apron.

"Gods working his mysterious ways again. Sometimes heart, and the right thing to do can conflict with each other but its God's will for us to do what is right, even if we don't understand it."

Continuing to study Carson's face Herb looking into the young mans eyes. Carson was like a son to him, someone he'd stick his neck out for till the end of time. Though things had been rough Carson has changed and been there for his family.

"Maybe once she wakes you should sit her down and hear her side of the story before making you desitions. I call to Misty and your lawyer friend might be a good idea too. Just so if anything back fires you can have you own foothold and people knowing whats going on would be a good thing."

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