
Hard Call

Looking up at Eli and smiling back at him again Scarlet couldn't help the twinkle that was in her eyes. Eli was different than a lot of other guys she met. She was rough around the edges but still there was that soft side that Scarlet saw.

"Yeah I guess it would of been a wast after all the effort huh? I guess its a good thing I really did end up liking you."

Scrunching her nose as Eli gives it a kiss Scarlet sits up again and reaches for another chip before holding it up to Eli so he could take a bit. It was a corny thing to do but just this once Scarlet didn't mind much. It was a cute moment so why not follow it with a cute act.

"Ah, that it would be. So I guess all in all...its a good thing your sticking around."

Trying her best to keep her smile Karla looks to Gran and gives a small chuckle. The older woman was always busy around the house since they had gotten there, maybe having people around, and to cook for was something she really did enjoy.

"I'm not to hungry right now. I've got to head home and get some clean clothing on and take a shower. But I'll be back so if you save some I will make sure I get a little on my way back through."

Turning slightly to Erik hearing his question Karla thinks for a moment. She didn't try to hide her feelings, or that she was tired, and worried about Kip. There was no point not to mention she was always bad at it anyways. But he had asked how she was doing and honestly that was a hard question in itself to answer.

"Oh, could be better but I could be worse too. So I am sitting in the middle and will just say I am fair today."

Letting out a small sigh Karla just stands there for a moment before looking back up again. She hated leaving Kip but she new she had too and if she didn't leave now she never would.

"I better get going. I'll be back in a bit."

Just continuing to smile as Justin talks Beth could feel her cheeks continue to get red. She was not use to all these complements that just seemed to come more and more. Coming from Justin they just seemed to make her feel good.

Watching as Justin sinks back down on the couch again she shakes her head a little bit at his comment. She wondered if he would dream about her, let alone at all with the state he was in. But as long as it was a good dream than she was happy.

"Sweet dreams Justin."

Watching him fall asleep Beth takes the next few moments to just watch him as his breath lowered and he slipped into sleep. He looked so peaceful while he was sleeping. Much different than how Sarah looked. Though his body was sick and him mind seemed full there was still that air around him.

Once she was she Justin was asleep Beth slips from under his legs and heads into the kitchen. Filling the sink with some water and putting dishes into it she pulls her phone from her pocket.

"Hey Sal, yeah its Beth....yeah I figured you guys would be worried when I didn't show up today. No...everything is ok. Yes...I promise everything is ok. I know I missed today I had more important things come up....yes I know thats a shocker. Can you put Sarah on please?"

As the phone goes silent Beth goes to the sink and starts to wash some dishes waiting. She new it would take a moment before they could get things set up and Sarah would be on the phone. Finally hearing she was there Beth smiled. Even if Sarah didn't talk back to her just hearing her sister breath was enough.

"Hey Sarah, I'm sorry I haven't been to see you. A friend needed my help and I wanted to help him. Yeah I bet that sounds strange me saying I have a friend huh? He's just...different you know? Anyways I don't think I am gonna make it in today or if I do it wont be till later. I'll try to get there tomorrow though if he's feeling better. I love you Sarah."

Hanging up the phone Beth lets out a small sigh. It was hard not to go see Sarah but she couldn't just leave Justin when he needed her too. He had no one here, and Sarah had people there to look after her. Maybe one day would be ok.

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