
Take it slow

Letting out a small sigh Karla did feel bad for Kip. She couldn't imagine how he must be feeling on top of the physical pain the mental pain he was being put through as well. She could remember how it felt when her parents would yell and take there anger out in words on her. It had to be doubled for Kip.

Seeing Kip needed help Karla wastes no time in going to him and gently putting his arm over her shoulders. Taking it very slowly Karla helps him from the room and thought the other room. Hearing his words Karla looks at him as she continues to help him slowly.

"I'm happy he didn't. I really am not ready to try and face the world alone. I'd be pretty lonely without you."

Continuing out of the room and outside Karla does her best to continue helping Kip. Looking up and seeing Erik and Kyle she throws them a look not to talk about what was going on with Kip right now. He needed time to heal and having people throw stuff in his face right now was not what he needed.

"We are ready to go. Just take the ride slow. I'll sit in the back with Kip."

Once Justin was on the couch and Beth got the answer to some of the questions she had asked she moved from the couch and went to the chair grabbing some blankets. Bringing them back over she places them on him up to his neck.

"Here, keep these one even when you get hot. You do have a fever and this should help break it. I'll be right back."

Making her way to the bathroom Beth opens the little cabinet looking for some kind of medicine to give Justin to help with his head. Not seeing anything she makes her way to his bedroom but stops. This was his personal space should she really just badge in? He said they might be in there so he was pretty much giving his permission.

Entering Beth looks on the dresser and than moves to the little night stand seeing the pills she grabs them and comes back out into the other room. Making her way to the kitchen she took a glass out of the cabinet. Taking note to the glass maybe once Justin fell asleep she could clean that up. Taking on OJ from the fridge she puts it in another glass and heads back into the living room.

"Here you go Justin here is some OJ and some Tylenol I found."

Handing it to him and help him with it Beth did her best though her hands still shook a little bit. Once he was done she put the glass down on the table before turning to him again.

"I saw some blood in the kitchen. Did you cut yourself bad?"

Beth didn't know how to handle this. On the inside she was scared to death. Just the sight of the little bit of blood had turned her stomach in knots. How she didn't lose her own dinner was beyond her. Maybe because there was a stronger need there for her to help her friend.

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