

You'll be ok J, I'm here with you, I'm always here with you and we will work through this all together.

Katie does her best to give a smile to Jason so at least he new she would be ok, and was ok. Closing her own eyes again as Jason sits up and Rick checks him over Katie just stays relaxed letting her own body rest and and energy come back to her.

Finally opening her eyes again and sitting up a little bit Katie looks to Rick as he turns to her. Giving a little nod to Rick she lets him check her over knowing this was just the normal motions for them.

"I'm holding. A little more tired than normal but nothing I can't handle."

She tried to give a reassuring smile to Rick and than to her dad who was not standing behind her but behind her eyes did lay some worry. Not for herself though but for Jason. She hoped he would be ok, and all the feelings he was feeling about his new found brother....his...twin.

I love you Jason with everything I am!

Pulling into the parking lot Chuck parked his bike. Taking off his helmet and sitting back a little now it was just time to wait. He'd hopped the flowers had gotten to Susanne this morning ok, and she liked them. He always had a hard time with flowers and picking them out but he thought this time he had done good.

Time slowly went by and Chuck continued to wait. Glancing down at his watch and seeing it was fifteen minutes after the time he had told Susanne to meet him outside his gives a small sigh. He's said if she didn't show that would be his answer, and it was she didn't want to have lunch. But maybe she was busy this time and really couldn't come. Maybe for dinner she would? But what time did she get out of work?

Pulling out his cell phone and hitting the speed dial for Anastasia's cell phone he waits for the familure voice to answer the other end.

"Hey Ana! I got a little held up and I'm not sure what time I will be back. I know you have something going on with that guy friend of yours tonight so go ahead and close the shop early. I'll make up the hours tomorrow ok."

Hanging up the phone after getting the ok from Ana Chuck smiles. He was so lucky to have Ana, she was so good to him and always understood. Sitting back on the bike a little more and getting comfortable Chuck was ready for the long wait not sure when Susanne would be out.

Watching as Justin turns to leave again Dalton lets out a low sigh as he sits down again looking at his computer screen. Knowing his friend was very upset with him hurt, and his brain just wouldn't focus on work again. He wanted to call and try to explain to Scott why he did what he did but Dalton know it wouldn't come to a happy end. So for now he's just let Scott cool down and be there when he needed him.

Leaning forward and taking another bit of his food Trey looks across the table at Ariel. He wondered if she new about him what would she really do? Maybe he could tell some of it but not the whole thing right?

"Back in Mexico my family is one of the leaders to the biggest drug ring there is. Import, export, buy, sell, but about anything you name they can do."

Taking a sip of his pop he continues to look across the table at Ariel studying her eyes. His own gaze was pearcing as he continued to go forward with his explanation.

"I guess my family upset the wrong people, or someone was just trying to get to them so the best way to do that it hit where it hurts the most another member of the family. There was a hit put out over my head. I was almost murdered three times. So my parents to keep me safe called my Aunt and shipped me here."

Looking down at his meal finally he moves some of the food around in the sauce before popping it in his mouth to eat. How did he feel saying the next part aloud...wrong? Defeated? Was he more worried what Ariel would think or what she would say?

"Anyways I am a prisoner of TJY until they think I am read to be on my own, and am on there side. As for going home, I don't know when the hits will be called off, so home is very far away right now."

Taking the picture from Trent Thirteen looks at it for a long moment. Listing to her father at the same time. Hearing him ask if she wanted the horse it was hers Thirteen's head snaps up as she looks at him searching his eyes. She could feel something hot welling up behind her own.

Looking down again at the picture and running her finger over the image of the horse she couldn't help but smile a little through the tears. She'd never been given a gift like this before. It was all hard to comprehend. She was being given a pet, something that was hers.

"She's so pretty. I'd like....I...I'd like to try riding her some time."

Giving a smile and glancing up at Trent again Thirteen leans over and wraps her arms around Trent in a big hug just letting it linger for a long moment. Finally letting go she turns to Ryder and holds out the picture to him.

"Look, I have my very own horse."

Giving a thoughtful nod as Sparky talked Faith did the best she could to understand. She didn't know everything about the family yet but she did pretty good at putting a lot of things together and just listing helped a lot.

"I guess that happens a lot with some of us. Kicking ourself from the past we lose sight of whats to come and the new opportunity that show themselves. But having family and love ones to continue to help us along the path is something good."

Reaching across the table Faith lays her hand on Sparky's for a moment her eyes giving a little sparkle. She'd almost lost sigh of what was to come until she met Sparky. He'd helped her see that there was a bright big world out there still, and that no matter what she was going through there were still people there.

"Are you going to be ok?"

Giving a nod to Mick she understood he would want to call Reese and she would not try to stop him. This was his son they were talking about and she couldn't stop that.

"I'll be behind you Mick. Anything you need just ask. I love you."

Tightening her hand around him just a little again in a hug Rosetta leans her head on his shoulder for a moment. She'd always stand beside him no matter what, even if it was just to offer a shoulder to him.

Going through the band practice Karla kept her fingers crossed everything would go well. She liked seeing Kip play and she couldn't imagine how it would be without the band. As the music starts and Kip slips up Karla can't help but feel her heart break a little. Not for herself but for him as she could see the look in his eyes.

About to stand and go to him she stops as Kyle beats her to it. Watching him and seeing him take the music away Karla cocks her head just waiting. Letting the song play once again and hearing the note Kip played it was like a soft whisper on the wind and it sounded amazing.

A warm bubbling feeling formed in her stomach he was doing amazing and she could see the smile of his face and the light in his eyes. Looking around at everyone else she could see the looks they had too and it made her feel so good for Kip.

"You did it Kip!!!"

Not being able to help the emotions that seemed to over flow anymore Karla went to him when the song was over and threw her arms around him pulling him into a hug. Just letting it linger for the longest moment she just soaked it up.

Finally pulling away a little bit Karla looks Kip in the eyes she smile so big her own joy for him reflecting back in the twinkle of her eye, a whisper on her lips.

"You did it Kip, I'm so proud of you."

Bringing her lips to his Karla press them fermaly to his own just letting her emotions show through at how happy she really was. Everyone around them seeming to fade, and not even really knowing how long she stayed lip locked with Kip.

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