
My Treat

Continuing to deal with the pasta Beth listens to Justin at the same time as he talks about his mom. A smile slips across Beth's lips holding a little longer than maybe the ones of the past. Hearing about Justin's mom was nice, it felt...good because she didn't have her own to talk about. Not to mention his mom seemed so very nice.

"Well thats good your mom has all her energy still. She sounds like an amazing woman to say the least. Very sweet just like her son."

As Justin's wackes Beth's arm she gives a small laugh and moves over a little more to try and give him some more room. Leaning over the stove she turns the pot with the noodles off. Going to the strainer in the sink Beth dumps the noddles into it before running some hot water over the top.

"Oh, I'm hanging in there. Been going through more pictures and trying to pic out a few I like and could buy frames for when I am ready. Cried more but someone pretty smart told me thats ok."

Turning the water off again and letting the noodles sit to try Beth moves to the cutting bored and starts to cut some bread before nodding to the plates on the counter in a gesture if Justin still wanted to help he could set the table.

"Other than that my days have been pretty good. Same old same old really. Trying to get some more walks in outside with Sarah before the really cold weather hits. She'd doing alright no change, but I guess no change is better than a bad change."

Getting stuff transported into other bowls and going to the table to set them down Beth is silent for a moment. Getting glasses and pouring drinks for them both before sitting.

"I was thinking about maybe getting a pet of my own to keep me company but I'm not sure. Don't know if I will really even get one but it was a nice thought."

You mean everything to me too J.

Just cuddling into him even closer Katie rests her head on his chest and closes her eyes. She felt so tired, and so drained just a little sleep would be all she needed and than she could go spend a little time with her dad.

Looking back at Alec Ryan just grins up at him. Her own eyes searching his and reaching into the depth of them. One could get lost if looking to close, but to Ryan she didn't mind it didn't scare her, She liked it.

"Figures I am in the, I'm not sure what I want mood and now you want me to choose. I guess I'll have time to think about it while I drive over huh?"

Ryan moves along side Alec and slips her arm in with his as they walked out together. Getting to her car and stopping Ryan turns to Alec again and leans in to give him a kiss on the nose. They would be driving septet since she had her car so an extra kiss was needed.

"That should hold you over, and I think I already deiced what I wanted. Pizza and chicken wings sounds mighty good to me."

Watching as Susanne puts the helmet on Chuck smiles with a satisfied grin. He had meant what he said about getting to know her better, and thinking she deserved to be treated like she was special because she was. His heart very much wanted to show her than and this...this was a good start.

"Ok, right off to the Mexican restraint it is with no delays."

Making sure Susanne was on the bike and secure Chuck couldn't help but like the feeling of Susanne's arms as they wrapped around him. Getting situated on the bike himself Chuck starts it bike up.

Pulling out of the parking lot and heading down the road Chuck does not bother taking the long way. Susanne was hungry and so was he. Getting to the the restraint and parking Chuck waits for Susanne to get off and than gets off himself locking there helmets to the bike.

Holding out his arm to walk inside with Susanne Chuck was proud and wore a big smile on his face to walk in with her. Picking a spot and sitting down Chuck grabs the menu and scans it over.

"You can pick anything you want. Its my treat tonight."

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