
Long awaited

Moving around he kitchen Beth just works quietly as she listens to Justin at the same time. Her insides felt a little nervous not because Justin was here, but because was was hoping everything really was ok with him. He looked a little more tired than normal, and his eyes just weren't as bright.

"You look pretty tired today. You feeling ok?"

Stopping at the stove and looking Justin over for a moment Beth couldn't help but feel like something was a little more wrong. Even if it was non of her never mind it made her worry a little anyways.

Going to the fridge and pulling out some water and than going for a glass she pours it and hands it to Justin giving a smile before turning back to the stove and shutting it off.

"Thanks, I've had sauce cooking all day, and I tried making the noddles myself. I just hope it tasts as good as it smells. It's my mom's recipe, I found her old cookbook."

Though her back was turned to Justin there was a small twinkle in her eye. She cried a little when she found the book, but she had been able to smile as well. Memories had to try and live on the good times, maybe this was one way of doing that.

Trey can't help but laugh a little and shake his head at Ariel's humor. She had spunk he would give her that and she had a life in her eyes that just seemed to make them even a little bit brighter.

"A free meal is always a nice thing. "

Taking a bit of his own food again he listens to Ariel and couldn't help but be a little surprised by what she said. He'd thought for sure after finding out about his past or even what still was she'd head for the hills.

"Haven't lived enough huh? You wanna help me live a little more?"

Trey couldn't help the little sly grin that slips on his lips before he shook his head again a sat back a little bit just in case Ariel deiced to throw something for his comment.

"Well, I'll be here for a while still so if you want to show me around thats find with me. It will give me something to do beside sit in the dungeon even though my outside times."

Following Jason into her room Katie didn't mind him being in there, or even him laying in her bed. She never had to worry about his intentions and she trusted him with her life. Though feeling tired Katie continues to pull on Jason's good emotions to help him, and taking his other emotions with them.

Sitting down on the bed with Jason and laying down next to him Katie's hand slips under the pillow her scar linking with his. She new there was still so much going on inside of him and it was all she could do to help besides just being there for him.

"I love you Jason."

Feeling Susanne run her fingers through her hair once again Chuck's eyes close for a moment before opening again not wanting to miss a moment of Susanne's pretty face. Looking into her eyes again his lips turn into a smile as he reaches out and takes her hand softly into his.

"Because, I don't want you to walk away, and I don't want you to say no. This is not just a fairy tail that will end, I want to spend time with you, today, tomorrow, three days from now."

Bring his free hand to the side of Susanne's face Chuck runs his thumb over her cheek bone and down her jaw before coming up the other side of her face. The way her skin flet under his fingers was just beyond words.

"I've got the extra helmet with me, and you look good the way you are. I'd really love to spend dinner with you Susanne!"

Feeling Alec put his arms around her, and place a kiss on her neck Ryan can't help but giggle a little happy she could smell his body wash or she might have clubbed him on the head not knowing who it was.

"Don't you know not to sneak up on a girl with a wrench? It's dangerous."

Standing up a little so she wasn't bend over anymore. Hearing the comment about his apartment Ryan couldn't help but laugh again. It seemed Alec was in a rather odd mood but in a way the softer side was kind of a nice change.

"Mmmm...I think pizza and wings sounds great. I think Eli said something about being with Scarlet tonight anyways so coming over to your place is no problem. As for leaving early I just need to finish a few things on this car and I will be done with all my work, So leaving early is ok too. You don't mind waiting about 15 min longer do you?"

Leaning her head back Ryan gives a kiss to Alec's lips and a grin moves across her own as she leaned into him a little bit. She'd been missing him today so having him show up and surprise her was nice.

"A little snuggle time sounds like it will hit the spot."

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