

Sitting in the back seat and looking out the window as Erik got out of the car and headed to the cabin Karla couldn't help her leg bouncing in a nervous manor. Something was wrong, she could fell it in the air that things were just not right.

Seeing Erik come out of the cabin he didn't even need to say anything yet and Karla could see it in his eyes that Kip was here, and it wasn't good. Opening her own door and standing up Karla looks to Erik. Hearing his words her heart broke and picks up the pace.

"I'll see what I can do."

Closing her door and slowly making her way to the cabin steps Karla stops for a moment looking back at Erik and Kyle for a moment Karla was scared but she had to do this for Kip, he needed her. Turning around and heading inside Karla goes slowly steps over the mess on the ground looking around. Seeing the state of the cabin she could only imagine what happened.

Searching the rooms she wasn't sure where the bedroom was but coming to the last door she new this had to be it. Opening it slowly and seeing the figure on the bed Karla's heart broke even more. Slowly entering Karla moves to the bed and sits down on the edge. Catching sight a little of Kip's face Karla could see the marks.

"Kip...I'm here."

Scooting back a little bit to lean against the wall Karla softly slides her arm over Kip's shoulder but doesn't let it rest on them to much. She just wanted to comfort him and let him know she was there for him. Right now she wouldn't push him to come, she wouldn't make him leave yet she would comfort him and give him the shelter he needed.

"I love you so much Kip!"

Giving a smile and reaching out for Susanne's hand Chuck pulls her close enough to him without being on top of him and looks into her eyes. Setting his helmet into his lap he brings his other hand to the side of her face and just runs her thumb over her soft skin.

" I guess maybe the day after tomorrow would be good. I can't dump all my work on Ana all the time."

Chuck gives a laugh and than a smile. He'd have to hold off everything he could not to try and see her tomorrow but he could do it and maybe not hounding her for one day would be a good thing too.

"Picking the place for lunch sounds good, as for paying we will wait and see on that one."

Letting his fingers spread on Beth's face Chuck smiles again looking into her eyes. Leaning in a little bit Chuck brings his lips to Susanne's and kiss them softly before pulling away.

"Thank you for the wonderful night Susanne. Good Night!"

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