
Unchained Melody

Continuing to keep his full attachen on Susanne as she talks Chuck's eyes dont wonder around like some might. They stay on her and give her all his focus. Every words she said he herd, and every bit of hurt he saw he could feel. To think he dad use to say that struck him hard. A family was meant to support not bring down, even if it was in joking.

Letting the wheels in his mind turn Chuck's eyes wonder her face, her eyes, studying them, taking them in. Her questions he just cocks his head a little to one side before give it a shake say no he didn't want to walk anymore with her.

Backing up a little bit Chuck clears his throat before looking away. Taping his foot for a moment finally a soft song starting low comes from his lips. The song was familiar and played at many dances. The words from Unchained Melody come from his lips before becoming more stronger as he looks up at Susanne.

Letting the words die off Chuck lets the melody continue to be hummed as he holds his hand out to Susanne again. The hum going away for now as he speaks.

"We arnt in high school anymore, but I think you've missed out far to long on your first dance. Can I have the honor of shearing it with you, Susanne may I have this dance?"

Once his question to her was out Chuck starts to hum again not skipping a beat to where he left off the words coming out softly again as he wait for her reply.

Coming into the room with the bag of food Karla sets it on the nightstand before sitting in on the bed next to Kip.

"You don't look to sick, but if you are thats ok. I'd rather be with you and get sick than be alone."

Resting her hand on Kip's back Karla gives it a nice rub quiet for a moment. She really had missed him a lot, and she was worried too.

"I've missed you. Wanna talk about whats been bothing you?"

Giving a swig of his beer Trey gives a little shrug as he puts his other hand in his pocket. Starting forward with Ariel they walk a little ways away from the camp fire. He'd always been a party animal but this were calmer than what he was use too. But it was nice not to worry about anything to bad going wrong.

"I'm doing ok I guess. I don't really do much right now so there is not much to talk about. Unless you want to count in being hounded by the big boss at TJY exciting."

Shaking his head he takes another swig of beer walking a little ways more before turning to Ariel a little bit. Studing her side profile as they walked he couldn't help but wonder about her. He hardly new anything about who she was, yet how did he ask? He wasn't use to talking to women before, least not like this.

"How about you? Anything fun and exciting going on?"

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