

I promise I won't hurt you.
Why Susanne believed him, she didn't know. She shouldn't trust him like this... it wasn't logical, at all, nor was it wise. All of her training and self-taught rules told her to back away and not allow Chuck to be this close. So why she moved closer and allowed Chuck's arm to be around her waist, was beyond her.

With her feet on top of his, the movement felt a little awkward at first, but forcing herself to relax, her feet moved right along with his as if she was dancing as well as he. Listening to him sing, feeling his arm around her, her hand in his, and dancing like this was all so unreal, and Susanne felt so silly yet didn't want to stop.

A smile starts at the corner of her mouth, and the tears in her eyes disperse to leave a new little twinkle. Laughing, she hides her face for a moment by leaning her head against his chest. She didn't want him to think he was laughing at him - it was just this whole thing that made her emotions bubble over.

Finally looking up at him again, she still smiles and shakes her head. "You... are something else, you know that?"

His offer for some water makes her giggle but she declines. "I think I'm alright for now."

Searching his eyes, she just lets her feet and legs move with his, letting him take her where he would as he slowly danced. At a pause in the song, her gaze softens just a little. "Thank you," she mentions quietly. "If only for a few minutes, you've managed to make me feel special, and that's something that most people never accomplish."

With one hand up on his shoulder as they danced, her wrist was exposed and she suddenly catches sight of her watch. Giving a little gasp, she stops dancing. "Oh, goodness... we better get back if we're gonna get to Mom and Pop's before that silly bunch does."

Karla's light backrub was unexpected but so relaxing and Kip sighs deeply with a quiet murmur, just enjoying it for a few moments and wondering if she knew how good it felt. Her question though, reminds him that not all was well. He'd missed her, too, and knowing that she'd missed him back makes him feel a little guilty for having been so distant the last few days.

Finally rolling over onto his back, he looks at Karla for a moment. No, he didn't want to talk about it, but he knew he'd have to eventually. Still not saying anything, he sits up and scoots back so he can lean back against the wall. Spreading his legs apart, he pulls Karla up between them so she can sit and use his chest as a backrest. Reaching over to the nightstand, he grabs the bag of food and sets it on Karla's lap, his arms on either side of her as he opens the bag and snitches a couple french fries.

Wrapping one arm around her waist, he holds her, just chewing quietly for a moment, and offering her a fry too, holding it up so she can take it in her mouth from his fingers. Soon, he rests his chin on her shoulder, still slowly eating the fries but more to just keep his hands busy than to satisfy his stomach.

"I heard the band talking the other day," he finally admits quietly. He holds up another fry for her, then one for himself. It was easier talking when he could keep his face hidden from her line of sight. Still resting on her shoulder, he lets his head lean against hers. "About me... and how I've been delaying the band recordings and... and hindering their performance."

He swallows hard and leaves the food be for now, locking his other arm around Karla's waist now too. He sighs a deep, weary sigh. "I guess the last few days, I've been trying to figure out how to tell them they'd be better off finding another bass player who can keep up with them." He gives a quiet scoff at himself. "I'm not surprised. I know I'm not as good as the others. I'm just sorry for making it more difficult for them. They deserve someone better."

Ariel didn't know what TJY was or why anybody would be hounding Trey, but for now, she doesn't ask. She didn't want him to feel like she was doing any hounding either, and she didn't mind not knowing everything yet.

Walking a short ways with him, she smiles and shakes her head at his question. "Not unless you count painting butterflies with sponges." Looking up at him, she grins. "I'm an art teacher at a school for kids with disabilities. On a normal day, the most excitement happens when someone drops the box of crayons."

Still walking slowly, she takes a small sip from her bottle, one hand tucked in her jeans pocket, her braided hair hanging over one shoulder. "As far as fun, outside of teaching, I guess I enjoy myself at these get-togethers, but I don't have anybody I really hang out with regularly. It's just me and the cats most days." She laughs. "All five of them."

Reaching the small, sandy beach, another grin comes to Ariel's lips. Slipping out of her flipflops, she sets her beer down for now and walks into the sand with her bare feet. "Mmm..." It was nice and warm out tonight and she so loved walking in the sand. Turning, she walks backward for a moment, looking to Trey, her gaze asking him to join her.

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