
Fresh Air

Breaking away from Pete once again like he had the other nights Trey wanders over to one of the tables and grabs a beer before wandering again taking sips. He new a few faces here now, and stops to chat with some but it was Ariel who caught his attachen and put a grin onto his lips.

Walking over to her slowly Trey takes another sip of his beer. He liked getting out of TJY even if it was only for a few hours and he got a verbal bash from Reese every time. Seeing Ariel here was nice too and it was hard to admit he might miss it if she'd didn't show up too.

"Your quite the party animal, people might think your out of control if you don't watch it."

Reaching behind him and pulling a extra bottle of beer from his back pocket Trey holds it out to Ariel if she wanted it. The grin still across his lips, as his eyes hold a dark glint with a small glow to them.

Looking around the group for a moment and than looking at the empty seat next to her Karla lets out a sigh. It had been three days since she had seen him and every time she tried to call he was not feeling to well to talk. Worry was starting to set in.

"I'll catch you guys later."

Seeing ...Getting up to Kip's place and being let in by Gran Karla gives a smile and heads to his room.the door cracked open a little Karla enters with a bag of McDonald food, giving a soft knock.

"Hey Hun, can I come in? I come bearing food."

Starting to walk Chuck's smile grows a little more as Susanne's hand slips into his. He was honored she trusted him enough. Feeling her hand tremble a little Chuck loosens his grip just a little but makes no mention on it.

Continuing to walk and listen to Susanne Chuck can't help but let his heart go out to here. How bad had she been treated in the past to now not think much of herself or that a guy would even like her? It was hard for him to explain how he felt, but it was just something about her.

"I know I don't know a lick about you, how your act, and who you are but give me a chance to get to know you, to lean more about you because so far I like what I see. Maybe you don't believe in love at first sight but I do, and I want to prove I am not just going to get what I want and than high tail it away."

Thinking about a moment letting the silence rain for a few seconds. He gathered his thoughts thinking about his next words for a moment before speaking them.

"As for telling every woman what I have told you, I probably could and get away with it but I haven't in over fifteen years. I had a pretty bad relationship back than, mentally abused words hurt a lot more than people think. So I never thought anyone was worthy of my attachen or what I had to offer. But the moment you came into my shop it was like a breath of fresh air hit me, and my heart wanted to open up to you."

Stopping and turning to Susanne again Chuck searches her eyes. He was a nice guy to everyone, and respected those around him but before Susanne his heart had stayed shut, just not willing to let those people in to love him.

But Susanne something had been different, maybe it was a peace he felt around her or just simply they mixed well.

"Your a special woman despite you quirks, I have them too. I just hope you give me a chance to show you before you write me off. and if you do deiced I am a jerk tonight, well...at lease we had a nice dinner, and ride."

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