

Walking hand in hand inside Mom and Pop's with Susanne Chuck wore a smile on his lips as his eyes were lite. One might thing he was a good actor, but someone who new him well enough would know the look on his face was the real thing and he was happy to be here with Susanne.

Sitting down and getting comfortable Chuck gives a smile and nod to Susanne as she comments on going into the bathroom. He though she looked perfect, but he understood how women like to clean up when they could too. He'd lived with Anastasia long enough to have leaned that one quickly.

Once she was back Chuck straightens a little and gives a smile to her. Taking his own menu and looking at it he scans everything. It all looked so good, and it was so rare he went out to eat he wasn't sure what he wanted.

Hearing the male voice Chuck looks up and gives a smile to Carson along with a little nod of hello. He'd never been here before, but so far it looked good, and everyone seemed friendly.

"I'm well, thank you."

Looking over at Susanne as she fumbles over her words on the introductions Chuck does his best not to laugh though his eyes do twinkle. He though Susanne was very cute trying to explain everything and fumbling. It really was like high school again and it made him feel young again.

"The Elite huh? Well its good to meet you Carson."

Once Carson was gone Chuck looks over at Susanne and gives a little shake of his head a little. He wasn't upset with Susanne, or laughing at her. He only though she was so cute he couldn't help it. Reaching his hand across the table Chuck cocks his head a little bit to catch Susanne's eye.

"You don't have to keep saying sorry. Take a deep breath, and just relax, act like your with one of your friends. Tell me about yourself, ask me questions but rule number one is breath and keep breathing."

Looking back into Kip's eyes as his thumbs ran over his cheeks Karla could still see the far away look and it pained her heart. He really was the glue that held her together she just didn't know how else to tell him.

"You are good enough still, and you are the glue if for no one else you are for me."

Being pushed back on the bed and having Kip just cuddle in next to her Karla smiles a little and wraps her arms around him. She could tell he was hurting and beating himself up and she hated it. If she could take away his pain she would do it in a heart beat.

"Your not like the others because than I wouldn't love you. Your prefect the way you are for me and I love everything about you. It's you I love not them."

Feeling the kiss to her cheek Karla can't help the chuckle that escaped her lips than feeling his kiss move down to her next what sounded almost like a hum escaped as her arms tightened around him a little more. Hearing his stomach growl again though Karla finally laughs a little. She couldn't help that it was a tad bit funny.

"My goodness Kip, you can't go all day without eating. Sit up and get something in that stomach before it starts eating itself. Maybe after we can pick up where we left off here."

Karla hadn't forgotten the conversation but for now she would let it lay a little bit and than bring it up again. She wasn't ready to let Kip get away that easy.

Turning a little as Ariel comes along next to him Trey study her in the moonlight for a moment. She was pretty, her features were fine, and not face. She was different from most women he'd met, and she was pretty in a different way. Maybe because she was real and not covered up.

"Well...I if you give me your number I can see about borrowing a car, and if I don't call than we can just meet somewhere."

Why he wasn't taking the ride he didn't know. Maybe it was the fact she would be picking him or, or maybe because of where he did stay. Either way he'd rather pick her up or meet here some where.

"What kind of food do you like? I've always been parsheal to Mexican but I guess...thats a given. I'm up for anything though really. So I can let you choose. I am sure you know whats good around here and whats not."

Looking back out across the water and than up at the sky the stars twinkle. A sick feeling seemed for form in Trey's stomach. He'd never been away from home for this long before, and now that he was...he missed his parents, his dog, he missed a lot of things. Feeling still for those feelings though he shakes his head a little.

"So, what other fun stuff is there around here to do? Like...in the day light?"

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