

"Mexico, huh?" Ariel nods, having picked up a slight accent, but not having been able to place it. Though it was dark, she could tell that Trey had fair skin, so it made her curious if he'd been in Mexico all his life or not.

Taking another bite of her hotdog, she shrugs at his question. "Yeah, pretty much. My family moved around a lot until I was like eight or nine, then we settled here. They moved again a couple years ago but I decided to stay. Got a job I like and I like the town, so why leave? Figured I better grow roots so I could call somewhere home." She smiles and nods towards the party. "And I got friends here too."

Continuing to eat, Ariel points out a few more people to Trey then explains a little bit about the lake and the places along the shore that were nice to go to. Soon she's finished eating, and rises to wander to the trashcan to throw away her plate and now-empty pop can.

Sighing with content, she cocks her head at Trey. With a group of people this close by, she had no fear of the newcomer. "Want to walk out on the pier with me?"

Erik smiles and shakes his head. "Hate to tell you this, but I think you're stuck with us now." Still smiling, he takes a sip of his pop. "But you're welcome. Glad you came along."

It seemed all too soon before the evening was winding down. Though no one wanted to call it quits, minds and bodies were growing tired, and even Kip had finally quieted down. Finishing up and helping Carson clean up a little so he wouldn't be stuck with all of it, the group eventually begins to disperse with farewells.

Out on the sidewalk, Erik takes a deep breath of the night air, tired but feeling good. Catching Jackie out of the corner of his eye, he gives her a little wave. "See you tomorrow, I guess."

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