
Or three

Jade smiles as Dan pulls away from their kiss, always reminded of why she'd said "yes" to him. Another little giggle escapes. "Well of course, you have to be most excited about us. If you were more excited about someone else getting married, I might have to think twice."

Teasing him, she gives him a tighter squeeze. But even though she smiles, something else lingers in her eyes. "I just hope it doesn't cause a problem between him and Dad, ya know? I've got my opinion, and Dad has his... and I respect that but... I don't know... I just hope Sparky can be happy without any bad consequences."

Having been mostly in his own little world, Justin didn't notice at first that Beth was just as lost in thought - about something entirely different. It takes a moment for her question to register but when it does, Justin's gaze comes back into focus and he finds himself staring down into two eyes that instantly and, quite surprisingly, turn his heart to pure mush.

"Hey," he assures quietly, "you won't." Without thinking, he reaches out and hooks a finger under her chin, his thumb resting against her cheek. "You're too strong. And besides - just because I may not be there doesn't mean I won't be seeing you, right?"

He smiles his usual, warm, soft smile. Then as if suddenly realizing his hand was still touching her, he lets it drop, and he turns towards the counter again. "Can I help you with anything?"

Alec eyes Dalton then Dani... Dalton.. Dani, then he finally shrugs. "Yeah, ok. I'll be back in a few then." Eying Dani one last time, he leaves the office to return to the hall. Looking both ways, he sighs. The main floor was a war zone at the moment. So aiming the other way, he comes to he infirmary. Heading inside, he spots Misty and ambles in her direction. It was quiet back here - much more comfortable. And Rick was gone - that was another plus.

Flopping down backward in an empty office chair, Alec shoots across the floor to Misty's corner, planting his feet for brakes to stop within only inches of the desk. "Heya, Babe." He grins and leans his arms on the back of the chair he still straddled, boredom written all over his face. "Your husband isn't hiding under the desk or anything, is he?"

Once alone with Dalton, Dani huffs a frustrated sigh. Giving his leg a pat, she leans in to give him a last kiss on the lips. "I guess I'll see you later tonight."

After a pause, she opens her mouth to say more, but then shuts it again. She had her own thoughts about Alec, but for now, she'd keep them to herself. "Don't have too much fun."

Seeing Anastasia running for him, Quinn's singing stops as his mouth forms a smile. Turning just in time to catch her, he hadn't expected quite this enthusiastic of a reception and he laughs outright, a deep, happy laugh.

Wrapping his arms around her, he spins in a little circle, stopping only as she envelopes his lips in a kiss. Just holding her, he returns the gesture with a gentle passion, his eyes falling closed as he murmurs his approval at the attention. Chuck went completely unnoticed.

Eventually drawing back, Quinn's eyes twinkle as he smiles. "Yeah... I came back. Only a stupid man would walk away from a fairytale, don't you think?"

Finally letting Anastasia slide back to the floor, he reaches to brush aside a strand of her hair from her face, his palm lingering on her cheek. "The last couple days have been a lifetime. It'll take at least one dinner to tell it all... probably two... or even three if you decide you actually like my company."

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