
Stop time

Anastasia's returned affection makes Quinn feel warm all over. It had been a long time since he'd felt anything close to this, and even then it had seemed very different. This was... special.

His arm still laid around her waist, his other hand still running through her silky hair. Leaning his head into hers as she withdraws from a final kiss, he rocks just a little. The original song was over, but another soothing melody was drifting from the nearby campsite, continuing the dream-like atmosphere.

"I think for the first time, being a wanderer has a downside," he muses quietly. They'd met, talked, become friends and more than friends in a matter of hours. It just wasn't supposed to happen that way. This was real life... there had to be some catch... some bizarre twist of fate that would turn it all around again and remind them that this just wasn't real. But Anastasia really was in his arms. They really had kissed. And the feelings... were they real too? Or were they just a fleeting thought that would be gone once the sun rose again? Surely a bond of any strength could not be formed in only a few hours. It just didn't happen that way. Surely the feelings were only surface, formed by mutual physical attraction. Or was it chemistry? Either way, did it matter? In a couple days, Quinn would be gone.

Apart from this moment... this scene... was a life that Quinn both loved and hated. And at this point in time, he was also in the middle of a strange chain of events surrounding this town... his brother... and this woman. There was more than bliss... more than this moment. There was more that would weigh him down once the sun rose and reality returned. There were fears that needed to be faced and a brother whom his gut told him he would have to see. And afterward? He was planning to return to the road, his destination vague.

A strange wave rolls through his stomach. There was something bigger at play here, and for one of the few times in his life, he felt very small compared to the One who was really in control. For one of the few times in his life, he felt uncertain about his own future.

With his head rested against Anastasia's, he shifts just a little to kiss her cheek then return, still swaying gently. "You don't know how to stop time, do you?"

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