
I'll follow

Jason slides in behind the steering wheel and starts the engine, listening to Destiny speak. He disagreed on just about every point, but he bites his tongue. Backing out of the driveway, he keeps his eyes on the mirrors.


It was all he could say without saying something argumentative. Once on the street, he aims the truck to the mall, keeping an eye on traffic and staying alert but not tense.

Grinning as Jess turns around, Axel brings her closer to him. It was rare he let himself fall into something more than soft affection, but tonight he returns the passion through his returned kiss. He lets her break it first, his grin is back as he hears her words. Her kiss to his cheek then his ear bring out a contented sigh as if he'd like to just stand here forever.

"I think... popcorn and juice is a fantastic idea." He pauses. "After once more kiss." Moving back to her again, he kisses her on the lips with passion as his arms tighten around her, cocking his head one way, then the other. Finally though, he breaks away, giving her a last teasing kiss to the neck along with a silly growl.

Releasing his hold on her, he slides over to the cupboard to grab the popcorn. "I'll microwave. You get the juice."

Dark cloud, huh? Am I that obvious?

Well, you must be. Either that, or she's psychic.

Or just insightful.

Just as dangerous.

She just wants some company is all.

Red flag, man. She wants you to talk. You don't want to talk.

Don't I?

Quinn studies Anastasia's face, mulling over her offer in his mind. He knew that it was written all over his face that something was bothering him. But it could be anything. Why did she seem to know it was something that was screaming to be let out?

"Mmm... Getting a little bold, aren't we?" he questions. "I could be some maniac killer or something with dead bodies in my trunk."

Spinning his glass around in his hand, his same faint grin returns to the corner of his mouth, making it quite obvious he was teasing. But what about the offer? She said they didn't have to talk, so he was safe if he wanted to keep his own business to himself. On the other hand, she was a perfect stranger who he'd never see again, so whatever he told her would have no future consequence. Either way, at least he wouldn't have to go back to the hotel yet.

"Alright. I enjoy a good cup of coffee. I'll follow you."

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