
The future to come

Reese purses his lips, seeing that Destiny was growing agitated. He wouldn't change his mind though. Not after they'd already messed up so badly.

"Destiny..." He gets her attention, and motions her to stop pacing. "I understand your desire to get back to your own place, be on your own and start again. And you may not understand this now, but what goes on inside of you is much more important than your outside circumstances." He searches the young woman's face, desiring only to help.

He taps over his heart. "In here... this is where it starts. If you can't be free in here at the safe house, you can't be free anywhere else either. I understand that a change of scenery can help and that you're frustrated with your situation. But you're running on a lot of anger right now, and that will only lead to rash decisions. Ultimately, I can't force you to have a bodyguard. But please... you have to be patient and you have to be wise. Singling yourself out is just inviting the Agency to interfere again."

Quinn chuckles and shakes his head. "Amazing, I am not. But I'm no stranger with the stage either."

For a brief moment, his mind takes a detour to many years before when he and Axel had begun singing together - nothing big like a band or anything, just family events or little parties. They had had a lot of fun though, and it was those experiences that had driven Quinn's interest in singing onstage. It never had evolved much, but maybe one day.

During the moment, his eyes again hold that strange, darker gaze that revealed there was much below the surface. He smiles at Anastasia though, bringing himself back to the present. Cocking his head a little, he shrugs. He didn't mind talking with Anastasia and telling her about these things... he'd never see her again anyway, so there was no harm. "I started out on the street corner with my guitar... now I just try to find gigs on the road... usually wind up in bars. Not my cup of tea but it keeps gas in my tank. Every once in a while someone likes me and invites me to a nicer setting, but it's rare."

Twirling his glass in his hand, he finally takes another sip. "I probably won't stick around here too long though." His eyes drift up to hers, soft... cryptic... deep... warm. "There are just some places that you know you were only supposed to pass by." He never should have stopped at that restaurant earlier. "But at least I got a new Ricky Nelson record, right?"

Feeling loved helped soothe Axel's emotions. He'd been let down by his own family... but he did have true friends, and one of them was right here, accepting him along with all his faults.

Returning Jess' kisses, his arms tighten around her. "I love you too, Jess," he whispers. "I don't even remember what it felt like not to have this hole in my heart filled."

Brushing aside some stray strands of hair, he kisses her again, remaining so soft and gentle, as if kissing a rose that might crumble if he was too harsh. His touch was like velvet, as if touching something so precious he would never want to break it.

Breaking away, he rests his forehead against hers, just looking into her eyes... those eyes that held so much. She had come such a long way from when he'd first seen her down at Mom and Pop's. She'd looked so weary, torn by people she thought she could trust, and beaten down by the world. Now she had blossomed, becoming more beautiful every day, inside and out. Axel had witnessed her heart turn towards God and he was overjoyed she was taking those steps in the right direction. Oh, for the day when she would seal that commitment... when she would be ready to become a true part of that family... it was a day Axel waited for with hope and faith as he stood and watched her grow. It was a day he prayed for and awaited... for then he would truly be able to commit to her and what the future might hold for them together.

Those eyes... he searches them, a peace entering his heart, despite his own inner turmoil right now. Surely God had not brought her into his life, only to make it impossible. No... he just needed to be patient and wait for the future to come.

Sitting in the quiet was something Axel so often did... he and Jess both seemed to know that it didn't mean one didn't care or that the silence was meant to be boring... but so much more was said when no words were spoken.

"I love watching you dance near the flame," he comments softly, remembering back to one of their first real conversations. His rough palm cradles the side of her face and he sighs before kissing her one last time. "Help me get up and watch a movie or something... otherwise, I'm just gonna lie here and wallow all night."

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