

Scott grins a little at the joke about the artwork and nods. It would be worth it just to see what Mary said.

Having the Mountain Dew and jerky handed to him, he looks at it for a moment, then gives Dalton a sidelong glance. "So what do we tell Mary about this? It's an artist's lunch?"

Reaching out, his thin fingers spin the can for a moment before taking it and popping the tab. Taking a small sip, he lets the carbonated liquid slide down his throat. The last time he'd had Mountain Dew was when Sapphire had brought him a can. Since then, this eating habit of his, or lack thereof had gone sharply downhill.

Setting the can aside, he reaches for a piece of jerky and just holds it for a moment before nibbling at it. "It tastes good," he admits. "I think... I mean..."

He glances at Dalton again, feeling just a little bit of heat in his face. He felt stupid. "It's hard to explain." His eyes lower and he tries at another nibble. "I think it tastes good but it's like... like my brain doesn't want me to eat it or... or something."

Feeling another churn in his stomach, he sets the jerky aside - probably the first time he hadn't finished a piece. "I don't know if I... if I can do this, Dalton." His finger picks at the edge of his food tray. "With everything with... with trying to control all the other stuff in my brain, it's just... like... crowded and... and..." He stops as he feels the frustration rising. "I just don't know if I can do it."

"Yeah, Ma loves me." Justin grins and accepts the water, taking a sip. "Oooh, french fries too? You have a knack for finding my weaknesses. You'll have to slap my hands so I don't eat too many then run out of room for pie."

Setting down his glass, he moves closer and offers his hands to help with setting the plates and silverware. "Clue, huh? I haven't seen it, so that will be a treat."

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