
Left or right

Leo watches as Cassy backs away and he gives his own little wave. Waiting until she'd made it inside, he sighs deeply then backs out of the parking space once more. Heading down the road, he reaches a stop sign and just sits. There was no one behind him so no one cared if he waited even though no cars were passing by.

He looks right, then left. Left to go home. Right to go to the Bullseye. He hardly ever went there. It was a rarity. When he did, usually it was because friends were there or he was just thirsty for a beer. Tonight though... tonight it was a very different feeling that made him want to go. Should he?

He thinks of his apartment. Dark, quiet and lonely. He could have spent more time with Cassy tonight, but it was already getting hard by the time they'd parted. He wasn't stupid. He knew what that look in her eye was when she'd looked up at him as they'd danced in the park. He knew that even though they'd agreed to just be friends, that she wouldn't say no to something more. But him... he just didn't feel... or... it was just that... well, he....

Growling at himself, Leo turns right.

Sketch can do nothing but stand in his place, feet firmly planted as Roth's anger burns. Staring at him with wide eyes, he takes the tongue lashing, all defenses having flown his mind. A nervous glance in Crash's direction is the only thing he dares, but he finds that his friend is just as scared as he is.

Watching the "show," Alec sits next to Ryan, a silly grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. He was so ready for this. Eli stands by the car, arms folded casually, smiling a whole lot more on the inside than on his face. Payback without any fists - ahhhh, triumph!

As the whispers turn into snickers then evolve into outright laughter around the crowd, Eli's own smile breaks out and Alec starts to laugh. Seeing Roth headed for them though, both Eli and Alec tense and straighten at the same time, their eyes warning Roth to back off. Eli was betting that Roth wouldn't have the guts and he was right. Instead of hurling his own insult, he simply gives a quick salute. Roth would have no proof he'd been the one to paint the car, and as such, he was stuck to live with the embarrassment.

Leaning back around behind Ryan, he catches Alec's eye and they exchange a couple high-fives, palm slide and snap of the fingers. They'd won.

Ordered to get the tarp back on the car, Sketch couldn't remember having moved so quickly. Helping Crash cover up the embarrassing car, he ties his end of the tarp down and looks over to Crash, motioning to the truck. "Let's get out of here."

Back in the truck, he drives through the crowd, trying to ignore the laughing and jeers. Once free and on the road, he wipes some sweat from his face, his mind reeling. "Okay... we high-tail it back to the shop, park and get out of there before Roth catches up to us."

With the laughing show almost over for now, Alec leans over to Ryan and gives her a kiss on her lips, letting it linger for several moments. "Looks like you're down one competitor tonight."

Eli reaches over and pats her leg. "Go get 'em, Speedy. Tonight it's all yours."

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