

Squinting in the dim light as the sun was slowly setting Scarlet looks up at the sound of a bike engine. An engine she new just found the sound. Setting her paperwork on the table next to her a instant smile forms on her face seeing it was indeed Eli out on his bike.

Standing and going over to the railing Scarlet gives a call bad herself not minding if other people would hear her and Eli or not. She was proud to be Eli's girl and wouldn't hide it.

"Mmmm...I'm the one who gets to clam the sexy guy as my own."

Pushing off the porch Scarlet comes down the steps and walks over to Eli her hands on her pockets till she got there. Giving a smile, her eyes twinkling she wraps her arms around him and gives him a hug. Holding him for a moment she turns her head and brings her lips to his ear letting a lingering kiss be placed on it. Her words soft, and light.

"My knight on his motorcycle, a dream come true."

Pulling away a little bit Scarlet searches his face. It was good to see Eli again after a week. Work had been long and hard this time around, so to see Eli's face now was good for her eyes no matter how tired she felt.

Trey keeps his own ground his arms crossed over his chest. Listing to what Reese had to say. He new what the law was, and even if he new who his parents were he couldn't arrest and charge him because he had no proof that Trey was even involved with that.

"It would be kinda hard to charge someone for something without proof now wouldn't it?! And seeing as smoking a cigarette is NOT against the law no I don't think I will kick the habit."

Not even bothering for Reese to answer Trey goes into the room and closes the door behind him not even bothering to invite Angelica in or to try and talk anymore to her.

Rising her hand to for a moment but seeing the door being shut on her Angelica lets out a long sigh before looking at Reese and turning around.

"I'm sorry this is going to be a hassle. I guess I should get some work done too. I'll let you know if anyone for the hospital calls. If you'd like to do dinner tonight still too let me know."

Angelica gives a smile to Reese letting him know she was not upset with him only stressed by this whole thing. Just having try not be so hard headed would of made it to easy but it would of saved on a lot of headaches.

Katie can't hold in the smile that formed on her face. She always loved when Jason made plans they were always romantic to her, even the sleeping Dog.

I think thats one lucky girl to be going on a date like that. Sure there will be kissing in there too. How could someone say no?

Reaching out and brushing the side of Jason's face with her hand Katie just looks deep in his eyes letting her feelings of how happy she was flow to him.

Right after work is good for me!

Being in bed and dozing Beth gives a little jump as the phone rings. Knowing it might be someone from the hospital Beth gets up to answer the phone. Hearing Justin on the other end and hearing he was worried something was wrong Beth sinks down on the bed again.

"Yeah, everything is ok...I think. Mmmm...I just felt lonely more than normal. so I though I'd call you. I...I hope you don't mind I have your home number."

It kind of felt nice to hear someone else voice on the other end of the phone, to have had someone call her back other than the hospital or the doctors it felt good. Though her heart was still racing, and she felt all nervous there was something else added to it that felt...good.

"Ummm...I...I don't really know what to talk about or anything I just...I don't know. You saw me this morning and all, and I hope you don't mind I called you. How...how are the dogs??"

She felt stupid now not know what to say and asking about his Dog. She kind of wanted to keep the conversation up even if it was late, but she liked hearing Justin's voice over the phone even if she only admitted it to herself.

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