
Killing time

Leo rakes a hand through his hair, feeling it was mostly dry after his shower. Slapping on a bit of cologne, he finds a nice pair of jeans and a navy t-shirt to throw on. It was a casual evening - he goes for his flipflops, not bothering with socks and shoes.

Puttering around his apartment for a while longer, he glances at the clock again. Still a bit early. He'd gotten done at the shop earlier than expected, but didn't want to show up at Cassy's too early and just be in the way of her preparations. She could always need help with something though, right?

He shrugs. He'd take his time driving and maybe stop for gas. Then he'd get there only a little early. Maybe if he showed up early and stayed for a little while, it would make up for him leaving at a decent time if he wanted to make it to the races. He wasn't sure he wanted to go, but he did want to see what would happen with Roth.

Grabbing his keys, Leo heads out, locking his door behind him. After driving a little slower than normal and stopping to fill the car's tank, he makes it to the new studio, parking a little further down the street to leave room for any visitors.

Ambling up the sidewalk, he enjoys the late afternoon air before making it to the studio door. As usual, he lets himself in, though makes sure not to just barge in on whatever Cassy was doing.

Leo pauses inside the door and glances around, hoping he wasn't intruding by showing up early. "Cass?" he calls, wandering into the main room. Seeing her, he smiles his greeting. "Hey... I'm killing time. Hope you don't mind."

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