

Seeing that Pete remembered her Nikki's face lite up a little more as the nervous feeling passed and now it was more of an excited one. She was hoping her friends would still remember her and though she had changed in ten years she still looked almost the same minus the braces and no glasses.

Taking Phil's number for a moment Nikkie felt a little bad but than glancing down at his badge and seeing it she was a bit surprised to know Pete was in with law now but understood as well he must be on a job.

Still holding her smile and giving a nod she rocks on her heels for a moment before slipping the number into her purse and thinking for a moment. This afternoon she did have some to do but tonight she might be free.

"Seven...I think I can handle that."

Letting her hand bush Pete's for a moment she brings them back to her side one holding her purse and the other one at her side.

"I'll see you tonight again. It was great seeing you even if for only a few moments. Take care Pete."

Turning and heading the other way Nikki goes to one of the other tables and sits down to eat crossing her legs under the table and than pulling out a book to start to read.

Entering the restront again Trey tucks some money into his pocket before walking forward more. Starting to the table once again he catches sight of the woman who was walking away from Pete.

Raising an eyebrow and sliding back into the booth Trey looks over to where she was sitting and than back to Pete.

"You have you own fan club? Who was that smoking blond?"

Trey can't help but look to the table again and than back to Pete. She was really pretty and he couldn't believe how many girls Pete got second looks from.

Looking down at the water and hearing that Justin wasn't just going to leave her high and dry it made Beth feel a little more warmth. It felt good not being pushed aside and having someone who really wanted to spend time with her.

"Spitting seeds? I think...that sounds interesting."

Reaching over and taking another peace of watermelon Beth pops it into her mouth and chews on it. Last time she had watermelon it was a long time ago and she had forgotten the tast on how sweet it was.

Giving Alec a sidelong glance at his question Dalton looks back for his computer for a moment. Not saying anything right away to Alec again as the quiet is filled with clicking of computer keys. Letting out a sigh his mind works. Alec wanted to leave, he'd more than likely want to go see his girl and he always did come back. Maybe just this once he could do this for once.

"I'm going to be here late tonight trying to figure this stuff out so I think I can do that for you, but don't make me reget it or I'll come after you myself."

Dalton looks to Alec for a moment his mouth curling a little into a grin that his last part was joking, but if it came down to it he would.

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