
Caught Her

Cassy can't help but chuckle a little. She new Leo hated being thanked but she would continue to do so. Because it was because of him too she hadn't given up. That night at the bar, she had been ready. Steve had left her, and she had hit the bottom, she was very close to letting her dream go. But than Leo came along, and he took the time to care, and to help. Because of him she found her strength to move forward even if he never new it.

Hearing the Leo wanted to go for ice cream afterward Cassy can feel her heart start to pick up its beats. She thought tonight would be a little celebration alone but now maybe she didn't have to. Searching Leo's face for a long moment there was a look in his eye that caught her attachen, could it be the one she had been waiting for? Trying to keep herself calm over it she didn't want to get to excited if it was nothing.

"I'd love to have ice cream and celebrate with you Leo. I am not sure how much longer this will be so if you'd like to go and than come back you can. Or if you want to hang around I have no problem with that ether."

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