
Ain't so bad

Pete wasn't too surprised by Trey's response. He knew enough about this whole thing that he probably hadn't needed to ask, but he was glad to see Trey's side of things anyway.

He chuckles at Trey's own question. "Naw... I hated the law there for a while. Never got myself thrown in jail but I came pretty close a few times. I guess I finally realized that if I really wanted to change anything, retaliation wasn't the answer. You familiar with the phrase, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em"? Well... that's me I guess. Had to take orders and grit my teeth for a while but... once I got on Reese's good side, I got more breathing room."

Leaning back in his seat, he spreads out his arms. "And hey... I get paid for hanging out and having breakfast. Girls... food... this life ain't so bad."

Justin laughs at Beth's comment about dealing with drunks. "Nah, not too often. Once in a while." He tosses her a wink.

Standing up, he stretches then nods. "Why sure. You want to help, that would be great. If not, you can play with the dogs - totally up to you. Might be nice to have someone hold the ladder though."

He starts to walk from the office, talking over his shoulder. "Last year I cleaned them out, wind came up and I went flying."

Making it to the front door, he motions her to follow, knowing she was still a bit timid. "Come on."

Once outside, he heads to the old garage where he retrieves a ladder. It was a pretty hot day - not one he really cared to spend on the roof, but he'd been putting this off for ages. And the reward would be fishing, so it kept him motivated.

Back to the house, he sets up the ladder, making sure it's steady. In the meantime, Danitza and Zora are quite curious about their visitor, following Beth around and sniffing at her heels and her hands, liking the attention she gave them.

Getting the ladder situated, Justin starts up. "Alright, if you wanna grab hold while I get to the top, that would be great. 'Course, if you want to come up on the roof too, you're more than welcome, but it's pretty hot up here."

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