

Beth gives a laugh and shakes her head a little. Chance's way of doing things was different but it had his own flair to it and Destiny liked it. Having your own plan in her eyes was better than trying to follow someone elses.

"I don't mind if you call. I think I'm to busy enjoying this ice cream to pay attachen to you conversation anyways."

Shifting a little to make herself more comfortable Destiny takes another bit of her ice cream continuing to saver the tast. After this who knows when she would have ice cream again.

Having Zora lay her head in her lap Beth's hand moves to the dogs soft fur. Just petting her head and rubbing her ears it seemed to calm her nerves a little. Though she was still a little up tight.

Hearing his last comment Beth continued look at him, thinking, and processing his words. She guessed he was talking about swimming still but to here there seemed to be something else hidden in there, and it brings a sudden warmth that startled her.

"I...don't know."

Knowing Justin himself couldn't swim all that great kind of made Beth feeling good to know she wasn't an odd ball for not knowing how to swim. Looking down at Zora while still petting her Beth continues to thinks. She had an odd feeling that seemed to build inside of her maybe doing something differnt would be...nice?

"I'll go...but you have to promise not be a councilor, only.....a...friend. And if you can bring the dogs too."

Beth looks up as there was still a fear in her eyes but there was something new there too. Maybe a longing to have someone who would talk back to her. Beth was far from ready to open up, and dust the shadows from her path but maybe Justin's words the other day had, had a chance to sink in a little and make her think.

"Can....can I drive my car as well? So when I want to leave...I can?"

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