
Maybe the only way

Destiny gives a laugh before grabbing her towel and some tanning lotion. She was happy she packed stuff just in case. Never hurt to have just in case stuff.

Giving a smile to Chance and linking arms with him Destiny leans over to give him a slight kiss on the cheek. This was going to be a good afternoon she could tell already.

"Ok, lets hit the road, catch some sun, and I'll try not to yell at people for hogging the pool. I'm not sure to having to share one."

Giving a grin one could tell she was only joking about yelling at anyone in the pool. It was still a nice thought though, and it would be different sharing one but she could hope it wasn't to busy.

Angelica thinks for a long moment. She understood completely what Reese was saying and didn't blame him at all. She was a lawyer she new how it worked and how much trouble they could get into for keeping Trey with them knowing the background.

"I've never met my cousin, he's twenty four and dealing with who knows what because of his parents. I guess the only thing I could say he might be able to offer is other names of drug rings and its possible he might even know a little about the Agency but for that I don't know. As for wanting out maybe if he was here long enough he would see it was wrong and change."

Leaning back in her chair Angelica brings a hand to her chin deep in thought. She'd never want anything bad to happen to the Elite. This was her home and he place to work, this was were she belonged. But seeing the willingness in Reese eye to try and helped warmed Angelica's heart even more. It was nice to see he wanted to help as long as they could find a way.

"Maybe we can bring him in and give him some time to help us and if he dosent end up helping us at all..."

Angelica lets out a long sigh it turned her stomach thinking about it but it could be the only way.

"...than we could turn in him. Technically that its still offering him protection, they never said to keep him out of jail."

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