
If you dont

Turning around quick and seeing Leo in the doorway Ryan smiles and gives a wave to him. She was happy he'd made it tonight. They had started this with him, they should end it with him too.

"I do say we did a good job, even if Eli did most of it. Its good to see you Leo."

Hearing Leo wouldn't be at the race tomorrow Ryan's heart sunk a little. She always liked when he came to see her racing even when they were just friends. Not mention the look on Roth's face. Going to stay more Ryan stops as Leo makes his comment to Leo and Alec steps forward, while Eli steps in.

Letting out a frustrated sigh Ryan looks to Alec and than to Leo giving a shake of her head.

"Leo if we could handle it just the three of us we wouldn't have asked you to come. Alec, just because Leo makes a smart comment doesn't mean you have to go after him, just let it go. Leo stop trying to start a fight. If you both really want beat the crap out of each other than hurry up and do it, than get over it so I can have my boyfriend and my friend in the same room without having to worry about who is gonna swing at who first. This is redickulace and childish, if you both don't knock it off I am going to knock both your lights out myself."

Ryan turns around with a huff and goes to her car to lean against it for a moment. She liked it that Leo was warming up to her again and wanted to hang around. She missed his friendship and wanted nothing more to have that again with him. But she hated there had to be so much tension still with Alec and Leo. Why couldn't they just get over it and move on.

Once Chance was back on the couch again Destiny scoots closer to him and reaches into the bag to pull out some M&M's as the move starts to roll. Poping a few into her mouth Destiny makes a satisfied grunt.

"Sugar is good...movie is better, and watching it with someone special is the best."

Giving a smile Destiny turns her attachen back to the movie digging for a few more M&M before snuggling down farther into the couch and Chance leaning her head on his arm and just getting lost in his warmth.

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