

Chance manages a wry chuckle as Katie mentions him and Destiny getting along. "Yeah... yeah we get along pretty well."

Still listening, he quirks an eyebrow and shakes his head, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. "I have no remorse for killing Agency scum. Far be it from me to tell my superiors how to run the Elite, but if it were me, I'd do far less pampering of captured Agency people and start eliminating them. Get the numbers down 'til their extinct. Then things like today wouldn't happen."

Jason pulls into the Elite parking lot, and parks a ways away from the building. He can just make out Chance and Katie near the entrance, and decides not to approach yet.
You can be proud of me... I didn't blow up anything or cause any accidents.

Still sitting, he studies Chance from a distance.
What's happening by now, anyway? Is it still just me, or is there something up with Chance?

Justin comes slowly up the walk, Danitza and Zora obediently at his side. Spotting Beth, a smile emerges and he approaches quietly, glancing to her but not saying anything yet.

Easing down at the other end of the bench, he sighs. "Ma's bathroom sink started leaking and she had water everywhere this morning." He grins and turns to look at Beth. "I wasn't sure I'd make it here in time to see you or not."

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