

As Chance comes to sit down next to her Destiny catches the look on his face from the corner of her eye. Seeing the grin that wanted to come out on his lips, and the look in his eye Destiny could only imagine what Chance was thinking about now.

Giving a shakes of her head Destiny says nothing about it even though she wanted to. Sometime there were just think that shouldn't be spoken and this might just be one of those times.

Playing the movie finally and taking another sip of her tea before putting it back down on the table Destiny scoots back on the couch and a little close to Chance so she was tucked nicely along side of him. Getting comfortable and doing her best to pray attachen to the tv.

Continuing to watch and just look around at the surroundings Beth was quite content where she was sitting. Her eyes move back to Justin though as she hears him talk to Danitza and throw the stick. Watching the dog as she bounds after her prize and dives into the taller grass a small smile forms on her lips.

As Danitza comes next to her Beth just looks down at the stick and than to the dog who was looking back at her. Reaching out slowly and patting the dog on the head Beth speaks softly.

"Awww...you just want to play huh?"

Picking up the stick Beth takes it and stands. Holding it out and shaking it a little to get Danitza's attachen that she had it Beth draws back. Than bringing her arm forward she lets the stick go flying through the air watching the dog run after it.

Staying standing Beth waits to see if Danitza will bring it back so she can throw it to her once more both of them getting there exersice.

Leaning into Ty Libby felt so happy. She enjoyed being around Ty and he made her feel so safe. She to was going to miss not having him around as much.

"I defiantly think I can handle coming to see you more often."

Letting out a content sigh and leaning her head on Ty's chest Libby turns her head to watch the movie again her fingers locking with his.

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