
False alarm

Chance splashes water on his face after shaving, running his hand under his chin to make sure he's smooth. Pausing, he looks himself in the mirror for a moment. His mind was clearer now after showering, but yesterday still... baffled him. Why had he acted like he had? Why had he let down those walls? He shouldn't have. He shouldn't have let some girl get to him like that. It was ridiculous - he'd never done that before.

Sighing, he dries his face, his hair still shiny from being washed. Just in jeans and bare feet yet, he goes to finish dressing, but the flashing light by the door catches his attention. It was a warning light, connected to the security system. Even in the bathroom, he had to stay alert, and this time, something had crossed the barrier.

Leaving everything behind, Chance bolts from the bathroom. Racing into the living room, he skids around the desk in the corner grabbing his handgun. Whirling around, he sees Destiny is no longer on the couch and a chill runs down his spine. "Destiny?" he calls loudly.

Heading into the kitchen, he's relieved to see her. "Stay here," he orders.

Going back to the front of the house, he goes to the window by the door, looking around the curtain with caution. The doorbell rings. Chance didn't like the looks of the van or the man in uniform that had come.

Keeping his handgun up and cocked but out of sight, he barely opens the door. "Yeah?"

"Uh... delivery."

"For whom?"

The delivery man stammers a little in reaction to Chance's irritated tone. "Um, it, um... it's right here." He fumbles for the paper. "Mrs. Jane Hughes."

"Get out," Chance hisses.


"There is no Mrs. Hughes here. Now leave before I call you in for trespassing."

The man's face grows pale. "But.. but his is two-twenty-seven, isn't it?"

Chance's eyes narrow and he points across the street. "Try the house with the rose bushes."

The man swallows hard, realizing his error. "I'm... I'm sorry. Thank you. Have a nice day."

Chance keeps a close eye on him as he gets back in his van and leaves, going across the street. It had been a legit delivery man, simply having lost his way. Letting out the breath he'd been holding, Chance closes the door and leans against it, uncocking his gun. Maybe he'd overreacted, but it was the first time anybody had come to the door, and he hadn't even been prepared. He needed to be more alert and quit dillydallying when he wasn't in the living room. He needed to get his head on straight, that was for sure.

Sighing again, he wanders back to the kitchen, gun still in hand. "Just a stupid delivery guy," he informs Destiny. "We're good."

Only now realizing that she'd actually been cooking and had apparently gotten up not long after he, a sheepish little smile curls his mouth. "Ah... good morning too, by the way." He bites his lip, hoping he hadn't scared her too much. "Sorry. Sleep alright?"

Seeing that Rayne really liked the flowers, Phil's smile widens, his eyes shining bright. "I'm glad you like them. Guess I didn't do so badly after all."

Standing just a little awkwardly, he shifts his weight, not really knowing what to say next. "Um... sounds like you won't need to stay here too long," he comments. "You... live close somewhere around here? I kinda hate to leave you if you don't have a way to get home."

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